Jul 7, 2008

Drawings-for Summer school assignment

they subscribed a summer school assignment-and the theme is Obsession
.Im having a hard time staying on topic when someone else prescribes it and theyre not paying me. But music is ever changing, all encompassing-so thats my topic.
i WAS listening to that Jdavey when i drew this.Man, something about love or sexiness in a strong beat drivenSLAP,Pound,Knock, format that gets the juices flowing everywhere.
this sketch is hella rough but i was there and so was he. Let me just tell you that I saw several old school cats (chubb rock, Jeru, Buckshot, Evil Dee, Special Ed, OC) and PREMIER delivered the most exciting part. I havent seen a Gangstarr show since 2000 so this was hella tight to hear Premier drop the classic joints! Watch out for the series of artistic influences book!
a partial list of music on my mind to get.
TYS, COme Bien

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