Oct 31, 2009

Holding on to JAH

Big News! A film I worked on just entered the Berlin Film Festival. Over the summer I got a gig to do some illustration and graphic design for a dope film about the history of Reggae music as it relates to Marcus Garvey, the History of Jamaica, and His Imperial Master Emperor Haile Selassie I aka "Ras Tafar I". I got to see the film, meet with the film makers (Infinite Mind Media) and basically design the look of the film, from the opening credits, to the Logo and promotional poster. I already had some experience working with film maker Olubushola Ajayi and Tchaiko Omowale this year, so it helped prepare me a lot for this challenge. This involved so many revisions and work, but it was very rewarding because the film makers put a lot of work into making this a story true to the people who lived it. But enough of me blabbing, check out their site and watch the Trailer. Check out what the motion graphics dude did with my logo. I gotta take Falsh again!


Oct 29, 2009

EL Puente

Heres a quick flyer the folks at El Puente asked me to cook up. Just with info and a few images of "Los Vejigantes". No time for a history lesson, but this is a deep history with African and Puerto Rican culture, as part of a ceremony folks would wear these masks. Mas aqui

For more information on this event please check out the good folks over at "El Puente" who are investing in the next generation of artists, organizers, and activists...

Oct 27, 2009


It brings me great honor and pleasure to present to your eyes a beautiful magazine called "PURPLE", created by Ms. Dazjae aka Purple Zoe,Q, Bassagirl Osedra, Candy Anamoly, and Dollmatic. Contributing to this issue and up on deck are Tonya Moore, Janine Jackson, Samax Amen,Valjeanne Jeffers, and ME! In this beautiful publication you will find Poetry, Photography, Art, Do it Yourself Instructions (Revolutionary #$%^!), and Healthy life stlye choices and practices. One of the pieces that struck me very dear to heart was the piece aboutr Dr.KamKwamba who is something I feel our children don't get to see much, an African scientist and inventor!Another was the piece by brother Samax. But, check it out yourself. For all of those folks reading this looking for an example of something diverse, artistic, and full of knowledge
for young people, please download this or better yet buy a hard copy from here.

NOTE: For reals, remember to shout out everyone in youre crew! I made three mistakes when responding to questions for this issue of Purple, my fault, not theirs.Its imperitive to admit mistakes and correct them, so folk dont get it twisted...

1.I am the CO-founder of the Trust Your Struggle Collective, not the sole founder.

2.BIG Shout out to TYS Members: Cece Carpio, Michael "1soul" Cordero, Erin Yoshioka, Pele, Miguel "Bounce" Perez, Benjamin Rojas/Mincho Vega,Shaun Burner,and Skot La Rockwell!My bad guys, you can punch me when you see me.Not too hard though.

3. Shout out to all the contributors to Come Bien Books:Brian Augsburger, Tina Bartolome, Amelia Berumen,LeConte Dill, Taishi Duchicela, Tiffany Eng, Ananda Khan, Joy Liu, Antwain Marcy, Alejandra Perez, Benjamin Rojas, DJ Sake One, Erin Yoshioka, and Tracee Worley...because these are the folks that make Come Bien Books happen!

Oct 24, 2009


Another Book Cover piece, more to come......

Oct 20, 2009

The Killer Zees-Feliz Cumpleanos

Just drew this a week ago for my homie "Zees", an amazing illustrator and animator.If you havent seen his work, please go here.

Oct 19, 2009

Subway sketches

I draw on the subway just about every day on the ride home. Heres a "feet" day. I was just trying to focus on feet and shoes....

Oct 17, 2009

Inspiracion/ Inspiration

Some things I think of when creating or looking for inspiration.Next one will be of other artists/musicians....Por ejemplo, listening to that Archie Shepp right now...

Oct 14, 2009

If an Agent Knocks - Center For Constitutional Rights

A project for the Center For Constitutional Rights. As I write this, im slappin' (listening to) that Zion-I & Grouch-Heroes in the City of Dope.Listen to the song, that should give you an idea to the feeling behind the artwork here. I started this project about a year ago after I came off the TYS mural tour. I was blessed to work with a great art director Mr. Qa'id Jacobs. Listen, this is the first time i had to go through hella (many good) changes in order to finish a project.I thought I would show you some of the process. The first image you see is one of the original posters, my job was to take the idea and remix it.The finished product can be seen with the CCR logo hereIf you or someone you know has been or is being harrased by Federal agents, please refer them to this list as it contains some useful information about your rights and how to condcut yourself if that situation arises.....Trust Your Struggle!Also, I want to give a shout out to my homie Tiffany Eng who took photos of the final piece for me. Much love Tee feezy!....

Oct 12, 2009

NEW CD COVER-Music Illustration

I've been bent on creating defining Music LP art ever since I bought my first tape,12", LP, and CD. I've been trying for a very long time, and for the first time I feel like I'm finally getting close. Look out for some interesting project art for some great musicians. Peep this practice round.Ding, ding.

Oct 11, 2009

Childrens Book. Process

I thought up the idea for this story some time last winter and been sitting on it. Up until now. Getting ready to turn it into a children's book. It's about a father and son and an adventure to remain healthy. Here are some comps from the first steps.

Oct 9, 2009

Rock en Espanol Vs. Afro Beat

Two pieces I did that are similar to the others in my music series. I did these waaay later though. Julieta (from Tijuana, MX)is dope, and if you dont know here shit, you must go look her up because I saw her in person at "La Pena" in Berkeley back before the LP "Si" came out, before she blew up and I was super impressed, I still am. I heard her for the first time on a road trip and the song that caught me was "Seria Feliz", then "Casa Abandonada". I love her first LP, "Bueninvento", and "Si",I'm still trying to get into "Limon y Sal". Someone to watch out for is the very talented Ceci Bastida (Tijuana No) who plays on a lot of Julieta's recent LP's. This dude, I can't stress his impact on the world's music. My dad listened to Fela and as a result I grew up hearing his stuff, seeing his concert tapes in Nigeria. The brotha has countless jams, his son Femi is dope. The one that sticks out the most is still the same..."Water no get Enemy". And "Teacher dont teach me no nonsense".You can hear the influence in groups such as Breakestra and Antibalas, it sounds so beautiful, no?. What about Analogue Africa? Another story.....soon come.

Did you see these drawings of Nneka, Raphael Saadiq, and Oumou Sangare?