Dec 28, 2009

New Years Eve-TYS rocks steady

Peace yawl, had to put this up because me and the folks will be throwing down some ill shit, should be good vibes, music, love, and creativity.Heres the math:

Three rooms of cumbias, classic salsa, afro-beat, funk,
& dance classics to bless you into the new year!

Joe Quixx Oakland Faders
Joe Franko Unicornio Records
Wonway Posibul Distortion 2 Static/Thinkbeat
Sivan TRU Soul

Miguel Bounce Perez Latin Soul Brothers / TYS
Laura Victoria Salazar
Lorenzo Vasquez
Luis Marroquin U-N-I Collective
John Ramirez
Ashley K Arnold
Franklin Cartagena/F.E.O. KREW
Yoshi Trust Your Struggle Collective
Shaun Burner Trust Your Struggle Collective
Robert Trujillo Trust Your Struggle Collective
Ozzy "DOME" MagaƱa/F.E.O. KREW

Submission Art Space
2183 Mision Street @ 18th St. S.F.

$10 before 11pm
$15 after

$7 before 11pm w/ RSVP at

Muphoric Sounds-In the trunk 2

What it do yawl?! Well, sorry for the slump in posts, but I just packed my life up and moved back to the place where I was born and raised.The Bay Area. Im back and forth across the East Bay right now but Im finna (going to be) around for awhile. For myNYC folkers, I should be back before October next Fall for a special project.

In the meantime, check out this new post about a doope song that came from a dope LP and a dope musician.Mr. Sergent Garcia! And, in case you missed my last post-Im going to be posting short blogs about music on the one and only, fresher than fresh...Muphoric Sounds.

My section is called "In The Trunk", peep HERE

Dec 16, 2009

character 2

Una manzana estaba en mi mochila, and its been almost two weeks.this character stuff is fun.

Dec 15, 2009

L Magazine Feature

Peace yawl, a homie through a homie connection brings you a slight informational piece about come bien, my work and it mentions some of the contributors and pieces from Come Bien which is really cool. It reminds me however that Come Bien really needs a logo! Not my mug!Ugghhh. Anyways, peep the short article.Thanks to Andrea and Allie! If you are not familiar with Come Bien go check it out.To read the full article please go to:
L Magazine Blog

Dec 5, 2009

Character 1

I decided im finna (going to) start putting up a new character sketch every two weeks because I need to show the ancestors Im serious about this thing here. Plus I need to draw more sistas (women). Thoughts? This one is very Zees influenced.....

Dec 4, 2009

Patterson Heights Illustration-Felicia Pride

Peace yawl, got hella work to do, but I'm happy to be finish with this, its official for me because the author is major.Check out Ms. Felicia Pride, author of The Message, Patterson Heights, and many more. The detals of this I'll leave to conversation, but here you'll see what the original cover looked like, and the process to remix it and make it fresher. Big shouts out to Felicia for putting me up on so much game. Holr at her and see about her resume.

Song which describes my feeling today: The D.O.C. -Let the bass go!

Nov 30, 2009

Samax does portraits and Art for you

Yo, if you haven't peeped the artwork of the incredibly talented Samax Amen, please go check out his blog GHETTO MANGA, where you will find some of the illest news in comics, hip hop, and cutlura! Like the piece you see here? You can get one commissioned especially for the holidays by him...

Nov 29, 2009

Group Therapy-Eat and Draw

All fotos courtesy of Ms Mensen...

A few weeks ago me and some homies got together to chill, eat, and draw. I made lots of food, me and Clarity had a Tostones battle, and we just drew for nearly two days straight.It wasn't super intentional, just needed by all of us...the space to just create without really thinking or being restricted, piece after piece.A freestyle session if you will. Ever since I was 13 or 14 Ive been doing these with different crews, on the street, at school, in homes, sometimes even at parties.For you sketchbook junkies, you feel me right?

Role call of the artists:
Cece Carpio
Crystal Clarity
Ms. Mensen
Killer Zees
and Me...

Check out some of the flicks from those days.I put up my favorite piece I did( we all drew like 10-15 pieces), and some of the ones everyone else did.Enjoy and Holler if you're down to session.I'll bring the Guacamole. I know Joy and Tiff throw one every now and then....

Nov 27, 2009

Muphoric Sounds -In The Trunk

You know, I've always loved music. If you know me, you know I cannot go through a normal conversation with out referencing the latest "Kev Brown" or "Bambu" joint. But, its because music is just so inspiring and powerful that it has become a major life force, teacher, and comforter that whenever I work, whenever I play, when ever I need to think...I relate my actions to melodies. So, on whatever social networking site Im on I cant help but share new music. Some one I know noticed.And this leads me to a great honor I have been given.

Ladies and gents, I have been invited by the the editor over at Muphoric Sounds to be a musical contributor to their blog/online magazine.........Yes....Its True. This is beyond cool. It means that I have an official platform to share some gems with you in my physical and mental record collection that I believe you as my friends, family, and folks will enjoy, and hopefully look for.

I will be posting slaps(songs) on there every month yawl, so check back.I'll let you know when they go up. Shout out to Vanessa Warren, who put up with my run on sentences (I'm not a writer, but I love music!)and bickering to help me present something short and sweet for you the listener.

My segment is called "IN THE TRUNK". Enjoy!


Nov 24, 2009


Yo, this site is endless in terms of witty and intelligent commentary about the advertising world's body of work created by, referencing, or about Black folks or people of color. Theres tons and tons of inspirational work here as well about Graphic Designers, Art directors, and Illustrators. Case in point, the homie Craig over at KMBA featured me. What?!?! Yes.....Thanks Craig!
Peep it here

Nov 19, 2009

The Liberator

Real proud of this piece for The Liberator Magazine because I stepped a bit out of my comfort zone skill wise and I'm very honored to have my art featured on the cover of such a respectable, culturally relevant, and boundary pushing magazine such as the Liberator, which has been paying dues since 2002. The Water ripple effect is one I always wanted to try but never really felt ready for until now. The next step will be pulling this off with aerosol on a wall but for now, peep the process of how I arrived at the final illustration for this piece. The process shows the sketches, the color comps, the process of photo reference-where my crew mate Cece took many shots of me modeling the position I drew, the final sketch, one of my references, and the final piece. Big thanks to the homie Joseph Lamour who was art directing this. For those who live in the planet Brooklyn, this piece will be up at the Coup d' etat show from Nov. 21st, 2009 to February 28th, 2010. Definitely check out the article this illustration was created for and my homie Ilene Byers (IQ) who also has some featured illustration in this issue.One Love. -Rob

Nov 18, 2009

In the works for Sholas Film

these are in the works.......

Nov 14, 2009

Coup d' etat Show-Nov. 21st

Peace all, I was invited to participate in this show with the Coup D' etat Crew from Brooklyn, and by the looks of the line up of close friends, heavy hitters, and just all around talented artists its bout to be real fresh. If you havent had the chance to meet any of the CDTBK crew than you must come through and meet them, chop it up (converse),etc. The show is called "LIVE TO CHANGE SOMETHING THROUGH ART".

I originally wanted to do a brand new piece, but alas it didnt happend. The piece that will be up is one im very proud of though, so come thru and check it out. Holr.And while youre at it, check out two of the artists from the line up: Ms. Ana Bravo from Salinas(CA) and the O.G.(veteran) Cekis from Santiago Chile.

I'll leave you with a music video that I think is quite creative but unrelated to this show. The dues payin, super fresh "Zion-I"....

Nov 8, 2009

In the Lab

Been in the lab! Working on quite a few things here and there related to music, print, and a coming art show. A bout a month ago I started this piece for my son because I promised I would send him something from NY. The first is the inked sketch from my book, the second is a color test I did in photoshop. I liked how it came out so I re-drew it in watercolor and submitted to a competition. We'll see how that goes.But for now, he likes it and is drawing me a "comic con storm troopers". I'm the luckiest dad in the world y este es mi hijo....The boat in this drawing is researched, I'll divulge more later. -Rob

Oct 31, 2009

Holding on to JAH

Big News! A film I worked on just entered the Berlin Film Festival. Over the summer I got a gig to do some illustration and graphic design for a dope film about the history of Reggae music as it relates to Marcus Garvey, the History of Jamaica, and His Imperial Master Emperor Haile Selassie I aka "Ras Tafar I". I got to see the film, meet with the film makers (Infinite Mind Media) and basically design the look of the film, from the opening credits, to the Logo and promotional poster. I already had some experience working with film maker Olubushola Ajayi and Tchaiko Omowale this year, so it helped prepare me a lot for this challenge. This involved so many revisions and work, but it was very rewarding because the film makers put a lot of work into making this a story true to the people who lived it. But enough of me blabbing, check out their site and watch the Trailer. Check out what the motion graphics dude did with my logo. I gotta take Falsh again!


Oct 29, 2009

EL Puente

Heres a quick flyer the folks at El Puente asked me to cook up. Just with info and a few images of "Los Vejigantes". No time for a history lesson, but this is a deep history with African and Puerto Rican culture, as part of a ceremony folks would wear these masks. Mas aqui

For more information on this event please check out the good folks over at "El Puente" who are investing in the next generation of artists, organizers, and activists...

Oct 27, 2009


It brings me great honor and pleasure to present to your eyes a beautiful magazine called "PURPLE", created by Ms. Dazjae aka Purple Zoe,Q, Bassagirl Osedra, Candy Anamoly, and Dollmatic. Contributing to this issue and up on deck are Tonya Moore, Janine Jackson, Samax Amen,Valjeanne Jeffers, and ME! In this beautiful publication you will find Poetry, Photography, Art, Do it Yourself Instructions (Revolutionary #$%^!), and Healthy life stlye choices and practices. One of the pieces that struck me very dear to heart was the piece aboutr Dr.KamKwamba who is something I feel our children don't get to see much, an African scientist and inventor!Another was the piece by brother Samax. But, check it out yourself. For all of those folks reading this looking for an example of something diverse, artistic, and full of knowledge
for young people, please download this or better yet buy a hard copy from here.

NOTE: For reals, remember to shout out everyone in youre crew! I made three mistakes when responding to questions for this issue of Purple, my fault, not theirs.Its imperitive to admit mistakes and correct them, so folk dont get it twisted...

1.I am the CO-founder of the Trust Your Struggle Collective, not the sole founder.

2.BIG Shout out to TYS Members: Cece Carpio, Michael "1soul" Cordero, Erin Yoshioka, Pele, Miguel "Bounce" Perez, Benjamin Rojas/Mincho Vega,Shaun Burner,and Skot La Rockwell!My bad guys, you can punch me when you see me.Not too hard though.

3. Shout out to all the contributors to Come Bien Books:Brian Augsburger, Tina Bartolome, Amelia Berumen,LeConte Dill, Taishi Duchicela, Tiffany Eng, Ananda Khan, Joy Liu, Antwain Marcy, Alejandra Perez, Benjamin Rojas, DJ Sake One, Erin Yoshioka, and Tracee Worley...because these are the folks that make Come Bien Books happen!

Oct 24, 2009


Another Book Cover piece, more to come......

Oct 20, 2009

The Killer Zees-Feliz Cumpleanos

Just drew this a week ago for my homie "Zees", an amazing illustrator and animator.If you havent seen his work, please go here.

Oct 19, 2009

Subway sketches

I draw on the subway just about every day on the ride home. Heres a "feet" day. I was just trying to focus on feet and shoes....

Oct 17, 2009

Inspiracion/ Inspiration

Some things I think of when creating or looking for inspiration.Next one will be of other artists/musicians....Por ejemplo, listening to that Archie Shepp right now...

Oct 14, 2009

If an Agent Knocks - Center For Constitutional Rights

A project for the Center For Constitutional Rights. As I write this, im slappin' (listening to) that Zion-I & Grouch-Heroes in the City of Dope.Listen to the song, that should give you an idea to the feeling behind the artwork here. I started this project about a year ago after I came off the TYS mural tour. I was blessed to work with a great art director Mr. Qa'id Jacobs. Listen, this is the first time i had to go through hella (many good) changes in order to finish a project.I thought I would show you some of the process. The first image you see is one of the original posters, my job was to take the idea and remix it.The finished product can be seen with the CCR logo hereIf you or someone you know has been or is being harrased by Federal agents, please refer them to this list as it contains some useful information about your rights and how to condcut yourself if that situation arises.....Trust Your Struggle!Also, I want to give a shout out to my homie Tiffany Eng who took photos of the final piece for me. Much love Tee feezy!....

Oct 12, 2009

NEW CD COVER-Music Illustration

I've been bent on creating defining Music LP art ever since I bought my first tape,12", LP, and CD. I've been trying for a very long time, and for the first time I feel like I'm finally getting close. Look out for some interesting project art for some great musicians. Peep this practice round.Ding, ding.

Oct 11, 2009

Childrens Book. Process

I thought up the idea for this story some time last winter and been sitting on it. Up until now. Getting ready to turn it into a children's book. It's about a father and son and an adventure to remain healthy. Here are some comps from the first steps.

Oct 9, 2009

Rock en Espanol Vs. Afro Beat

Two pieces I did that are similar to the others in my music series. I did these waaay later though. Julieta (from Tijuana, MX)is dope, and if you dont know here shit, you must go look her up because I saw her in person at "La Pena" in Berkeley back before the LP "Si" came out, before she blew up and I was super impressed, I still am. I heard her for the first time on a road trip and the song that caught me was "Seria Feliz", then "Casa Abandonada". I love her first LP, "Bueninvento", and "Si",I'm still trying to get into "Limon y Sal". Someone to watch out for is the very talented Ceci Bastida (Tijuana No) who plays on a lot of Julieta's recent LP's. This dude, I can't stress his impact on the world's music. My dad listened to Fela and as a result I grew up hearing his stuff, seeing his concert tapes in Nigeria. The brotha has countless jams, his son Femi is dope. The one that sticks out the most is still the same..."Water no get Enemy". And "Teacher dont teach me no nonsense".You can hear the influence in groups such as Breakestra and Antibalas, it sounds so beautiful, no?. What about Analogue Africa? Another story.....soon come.

Did you see these drawings of Nneka, Raphael Saadiq, and Oumou Sangare?

Sep 29, 2009

Book Cover Illustration-Maribel Amaru "36 Miles"

Secret Book cover project...Took it back to 95' with this one.Ill try to post more about the process next time...

Sep 21, 2009

Mas musica-Mongo Santamaria

Part of an on going music project. Feel free to use this for non commerical use, but give a brotha credit please.

Sep 19, 2009

Rest In Peace-Grand Master "Roc Raida"


Im very saddened to hear about this since this was one of my idols of the DJ/ Hip Hop/ Turntablist world. I watched this dudes videos, Studied his work like a kung fu student trying to learn from a shaolin master. And although I no longer want to be the illest battle dj, I did then, and I take the lessons i learned from seeing him throw down with me forever.

Roc Raida was one of the founding members of the X-MEN and later X-ECUTIONERS crew which consisted of great Djs such Rob Swift, Mr Sinista, Total Eclipse, Boogie Blind, Dr. Butcher, Johhny Cash, Steve D(the inventor of beat juggling), Sean C, C-4, and Exotic E.. He defined so many styles and clean cuts, furious style, originality, consitency, raw talent, and so many other words describe how he got down. This cat won many battles including the DMC back in 1995 I believe.

Last year, on a whim I decided to hit him up since I started to see some of my favorite DJs out here (NYC) for the first time in person. I hit him up about doing a banner for the 2008 Gong battle which was held at the Knitting Fcatory. He was real cool and very DTE (down to earth) in person. I did the banner, really because I was/still am working on a project of illustrations of various musicians and he was one of the folks I had been wanting to draw in person for a long time. Also, I just really respected him for creating the GONG battle, because although itwas a brutal battle it moved the culture of DJ battling and artistry in Hip Hop forward.

Much Love goes out to Hm and his family. And much love goes out to the Xmen, and The Executioners crew. Keep it going yawl.
-Robert Trujillo/Tres

" Life is a gift to be enjoyed every second, every minute, its temporary, not infinite"
-Mr Lif GONG bATTLE 2008 Roc w/ Busta Rhymes Roc, old school routine In Oakland (my hometown)

Sep 18, 2009

New Music Inspired Illustrations

Check out my portfolio link to the right......

Sep 13, 2009

ZINE Update: 3 NEW Reviews

Peace yawl so for the next updates you see here about my zine SS. Vol. 2 (Sew Seoulful) you will see a banner/ or format similar to this just to categorize it and keep it consistent. So, Sew Seoulful (a Zine I self published w/ Come Bien Books)received three reviews in the past two months or so. The first one you should check out is the review done by the homie Issa over at Blank Bare Clean Blog. next up is Twenty Two Magazine which I found while checking out another artists Blog.Then through Blank Bare Clean I was able to get the review done by the talented Purple Zoe over at Ultraviolet Underground/Purple Magazine.
All three of these blogs focus on artwork but each are very unique. Blank Bare Clean cover's a very wide array of artists, styles, movements, interests, and has been nominated for a blogging award! The sista gives a new name to organization/form/ style in the blog format as she makes the information accessible, interesting to look at and highly fresh. Twenty two is an interesting blog that focuses on illustrators mostly from many different styles from all over the place. The dude covers a lot of people you've never heard of before and people you may be familiar with. Lastly, the Ultraviolet Underground is dope as well! Over there Purple Zoe blogs on a variety of topics ranging from art, to politics, music, and healthy living. Not only that, she also publishes a magazine entitled "Purple". Definitely worth checking out, beautiful illustration and beautiful story telling...Check these folks out.

Sep 8, 2009

FINAL+PROCESS Book Cover for Secret Project

Heres some of the process and....

Regarding reference and inspiration:
I want to give two people shout outs in this:
One: Sister "Wahidah Fowler" for serving as a most beautiful reference. I see you homegirl, do your thing!Original foto taken by J. Sly...

the folks over at Flavor Innovator for inspiring the color scheme.Peep him out, hes dope!!

El Gran Final!Thoughts?

Oh, ps give props to the folks at Gorgeous Black Women for collecting such a stunning display of beauty. Thank you, now I can show my cousin sumn positive that reflects her!