May 23, 2010

Character 8

This is a part of a new weries of characters I'm working on....

May 17, 2010

In the trunk 5-Muphoric Sounds

Been in love with this song forever and been slacking on my Muphoric Sounds posts.So, here you go! Please go to Muphoric and check it out.There is a whole bunch of new music and interviews there. Zelia Barbosa's record is one of the most incredible Brazilian cuts i've ever heard. The record is in storage somewhere but I love to pull it out occasionally to listen and pretend I can sing.Love


May 10, 2010

Mad World-Galeria De La Raza

Got a painting up in this show.A odd and risky one. If youre in the bay, go see, hit me up.Sorry for the late post, it's been more than busy.

WHAT: Mad World: Messages to the Future, a group exhibition
seeking artistic insight into the future

WHEN: Opening Reception - Saturday, May 8th @ 7:30 p.m.
Exhibition runs until Saturday, June 26th

WHO: Jose Arenas, Carlos Castro, Emael, Chris Granillo, Erika
Hannes Hector Dio Mendoza, Johanna Poethig, Lady Reni,
Joshua Short, Jose Antonio Suarez, Robert Trujillo,
Christina Velazquez, Rio Yanez, and Marilyn Yu.

WHERE: Galeria de la Raza – 2857 24th St – San Francisco, CA –

Real Schools Sneak Peak

This is something I've been working on with an organization called Justice Matters here in the Bay Area. Alot more coming soon. Just a teaser.