Aug 31, 2010

IN THE TRUNK 8-Muphoric Sounds

Peace yall, its my birthday today!!!! Happy bday to me( doing my little dance).
Here is some funk for you. This is a record I recently rediscovered from my momma's collection. My mom has hella records yall, tapes, LP's, cd's. And this is one I've been playing out since last summer but finally decided to write about. The New Birth!!! Listen here.

Aug 27, 2010

ZINES: Mamaphiles+Absent Cause

Mamaphiles #4 I met China in Baltimore at a Zine festival out there and we struck up a conversation about her zine "Mamaphiles", which is a zine dedicated to Mothers who are raising their children and speaking on life. I asked if she had ever seen a Zine specifically about fathers. She said I should start one! The idea is still swimming, but please check out Mamaphiles #4. The only requirement for this zine was that you be a parent and a zine maker. Just received it in the mail today and I can tell she went out of her way to include a wide variety of voices. Peep game and the wonderful team of folks that helped get it out there! Thank you China!
Absent Zine #4: I did not get a chance to meet the homie "Redguard" in person.But I know Alison Roh Park, one of the Zine's contributors and she is a fine poet/writer. Red asked me to contribute! I missed the deadline, so this time I made time to do a specific piece. "Absent Cause"is about surviving mental and physical poison the U.S. system of oppression has drenched us with.It deals with personal triumph and abusive defeat. I am still reading through it, but from what i can tell, Red also made a big effort to get a diversity of voice in. I can definitely say it has brought up some feelings I had buried. Anyway, check it out. The image from above is from my Absent Zine contribution. Healing is a must! Zines are therapeutic.Thank you Redguard!

Aug 25, 2010

Malia Movement Interview

Photo by Malia Connor.
Recently did a mini interview with Malia of Malia Movement Dance Company, as did many other great musicians, designers, and artists from the Bay Area such as Ras Terms, Boots Riley, and Rachel Konte. Read here

Aug 23, 2010

LeSean Thomas

Big up to Samax for putting me on to this dudes work.Dont sleep yawl.

Aug 16, 2010

One Land One People ZINE

This was created with the help of a student this past Spring semester for Youth Empowerment School's One Land One People Youth Center(OLOP). It came out dope, but verry late.Another lesson to be learned.Be on time!

Aug 14, 2010

More food stuff en progress

From the sketchbook to the light box, to the paper.A simple idea, organic food and people of color. We need to see images of ourselves eating healthy.

We surpassed our Goal!!!

WE MADE OUR GOAL!And surpassed it! (To raise $6000 to travel to the Philippines to continue our cultural work of painting Murals!) Thank you and much love to all of the artists, friends, family, comrades, organizers, cultural workers, designers, parents, teachers, cake decorators, farmers -whoever u are that helped us out. For the past 28 days I received personal messages from many folks to let me know that they helped...My heart is touched! We will bring your love + light with us on our trip! Gracias, Thank you, Kamsamnida! Resistance now whispers, soon it will roaaaaaaaaar. We are the Trust Your Struggle Collective!

Aug 7, 2010

Character 10-Storm

Was sketching this the other day and thought of "Storm" from the X-Men immediately. It's definitely not Halle, but its my post Afro Punk feeling of what she would look like if she lived on Lexington ave..Feel me on this one.

Food stuff in progress

Working on a portfolio of new stuff and one of the specific subjects is FOOD! Can we get more POC on Organic food brands? Yessss we can!