May 31, 2011

Positive Wall Affirmation "BREATHE"

I was trying to think of a name for this and i think I have one. These are hand made paintings that i am selling. I am a working artist and i choose to paint what i like. This particular series of ideas for your wall is based on my recent experience in meditation and on just reinvigorating my life and my outlook with "positivity". Sure things are not always peachy (calm & bright), we all make mistakes, but these are declarations of positive feelings and actions, that are made to be hung on a wall. Therefore, "positive wall affirmations". This is the second in this new series that I'm having fun making, cutting, hammering, gluing, and painting by hand. Big shout to Mister bouncer who shot the photo.

Whatever you are facing, breathe through it and trust your struggle. You are the master of your own destiny. Once you decide it, it's done. BREATHE note: this one has already been purchased, more in the works...

May 30, 2011

Jazz Portraits 10- Freestyle Fellowship

The Freestyle Fellowship is one of my favorite groups(Mikah 9, Peace, J Sumbi, Self Jupiter, & Aceyalone) and i don't care if you don't consider them to be a part of "Jazz" history. I do! If you are unfamiliar with FF I suggest you check out the documentary This is The Life to get an idea of the soil they grew up in. Listen to "The Sun took a Day off" .Been listening to these cats since 93'.

May 25, 2011

"Dey Suffer" by Richy Pitch feat. Yasmeen

The conversation for this joint began back in august of last year. I been paying attention to this dudes work here and there since he did a joint called Day to Day w/ Apani B Fly (incredible song). I hit him up to collaborate and the rest is history. Coming out on the London based BBE Records this song features some dope production by Richy and some incredible vocals by singer Yasmeen from Ghana. The entire record is full of slaps that were the result of a....check out Richy Pitch's site to learn the full story. And check out some of the process of making this. It's already been reviewed on Okay Africa, Shakara, Tropical Bass, and i admit it looks pretty fresh to see it on I-Tunes too! Support good music.

'Dey Suffer' Richy Pitch feat. Yasmeen by richypitch

May 24, 2011

Chimamanda Adichie-The power of storytelling

Got this from Mitali Perkins' blog, very insightful.

May 23, 2011

Book Cover "Y U Gotta Call it Ghetto?"

This past winter I started working on this book with my homie, a great Poet and now a PhD LeConte J. Dill. This is a project she started with youth from the East Oakland Youth Development Center almost a year and a half ago. This is a collection of some beautiful poems about what youth in the east go through on the bus, in the street, at school, and in their neighborhood. Please demand it in your local book store. Holler at me if you need the isbn number. Or, check out the site! Thank you LeConte! Thank you Eoydc!

May 20, 2011

Short Story 5

Eun Mi and her brother Jorge were in last place and gaining on the other contestants. This was the third year and a row that they competed in the cave races and Eun did not want to lose again. Jorge was scared and barely helped guard their box cart, but Eun kept pushing at full speed. As they came closer to the next turn.....

May 17, 2011

Jazz Portrait 9-Amel Larrieux

I changed the song 3 times already cuz its been one of those days. Feelin "We can be new" today, feelin kinda blue.

May 16, 2011

Featured on "African Digital Art"

I happen to be browsing through African Digital Art and saw that one of my character's was on there. Wow! Been trying to get featured on this site since it started! If you are unfamiliar with ADA, please check it out. It's one of the few high quality sites that feature illustrators and other artists of color worldwide. The two pieces featured were on the Weekly inspiration pages for WEEK 66 and WEEK 56. They were "The golden Child" and "Our Daily Bread".

May 12, 2011

Water Writes Mural-Oakland, Ca

This mural was spear headed by the Estria Foundation and involved the collective painting, volunteering, and assistance of over 80 people. I have been helping by painting people and birds, beavers, water, and many other things while standing on lifts 40-50 ft up in the air (scared as hell-real talk!). But ultimately extremely proud to participate and be a part of such a monumental piece of Oakland's new history and Estria foundations message of art+ knowledge spreading + and information. One of the reasons that this city got it's name is because of the immense amounts of natural streams, rivers, and small bodies of water that were once so prominent. That is why there are and were so many trees and so much greenery. on this project you have tons of talented writers and artists out there.But which of them is giving you style and substance? Peep the youth, hella bay legends, my crew, and folks who are not only painting, but learning. Check out the links below on the wall. Much love and light.

The Oakland Unveiling:
Thursday, May 19 · 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Parking Lot @ 21st Broadway. Oakalnd, CA

DJ Agana. DJ Baby Tiger.

Arts+Crafts with Recycled Materials.

Photo Booth with finished Mural.

More Performers & Lots of Love

COLORLINES Article on the wall.

May 10, 2011

Positive Wall Affirmation "ENERGY"

Had a lot of fun painting this. Whats it for? The little space in your heart, right next to your desk. What did I use? An old wooden frame, some paint, and a lot of smiles. If you dig it, please spread the love. Positive energy to you....


May 9, 2011

Typography 10-Nina Simone

Love me some Nina, have you heard her version of "here comes the sun"? This is another letter from my Jazz series.

May 5, 2011

Crank Boots x East Bay Edibles x BB Vol.1

The article is out! This past month I wrote and illustrated a short piece about Cranky Boots Pops. for East Bay Edibles magazine. EBE is a magazine about East Bay (Bay Area) food companies, restaurants, farms, sustainable practices, chef's, local food artisans like Amanda and Aland, and so much more. I first read this magazine about a year and a half ago and I've been wanting to contribute to it artistically since then.

Cranky boots was a perfect fit. Not only to contribute to the magazine, but to help spread the word about the delicious popsicles they make. First, I interviewed them for the coming Zine "BB Vol. 1" and asked them some questions about how they stay healthy. Then, I wrote an article based on more questions, their feedback, and that of the editor. Check out some of the questions that didnt make the magazine, but will end up in "BB Vol.1" very soon. If you'll recall, i did some hand written artwork for one of their events last year. Big shout out to Aland and Amanda for letting me write about their efforts and draw their faces. And a big shout out to Cheryl the editor of East Bay Edibles, which is an international magazine with over 70 participating cities.

What was your goal or mission with CBP when you first started and how has it
Our goal has always been to build and maintain community. The ways we build and help maintain community are vast and various, but the goal won't ever change. Our mission is to bring some joyous essence of summer nostalgia to everyday folks, while at the same time doing our part to bring about social justice and awareness.

What’s in these popsicles?
Whole organic fruit, minimal sugar, a small amount of water, a whole lot of soul, and love.

Why do you use local or organic ingredients?
It’ s important for us to support not only our community, but the Earth's health. The closer we do things to home, the more accountable we are to not only our environment but to the people of our community.

Where do you sell your product? Any stores?
We mostly sell at community festivals. This year, we'll be at Doof-a-palooza, San Francisco's Gay Pride Parade, and a bunch of other places like Mandela Foods Cooperative in West Oakland. We’re working on selling them in a couple of local coffeehouses and bars around the East Bay, but nothing is solidified, yet.

How can people try your popsicles or get in contact with you?
Stay tuned to our blog. We're always talking about where we'll be and what we're doing. Our first festival event is Doof-a-palooza, which is in May, after that they can hit us up at the Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco.