Nov 22, 2011

Typography 16- Stuyvesants

I think I first became hip to the work of Darien Victor Birks and Allan Cole by seeing the site FLWRPT. I then started to hear something about them making music and when the “Stuyvesants instrumental LP dropped it was bananas! I’ve had this joint on rotation in my mp3 player ever since it came out and have seen various folks connect with it. My favorite joints from the LP are “Fire (Untrue)” , “Seldom Seen”, and “Greene St. Anthem”. Before living in Bed Stuy (Brooklyn) I probably wouldn’t have appreciated the different vibes a street or area has. But my kid used to attend a school on Greene St so it does stick out in my mind. Anyway, if you’re not up on these cats, go check out their work, its free to download. And if I’m not mistaken they just came out with some new material
. Hype design and music! Check out the letter S for Stuyvesants! Greene Ave. Anthem by The Stuyvesants

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