Jun 30, 2012

Last Push for Mural Campaign

If you thought this was a fresh idea and donated. THANK YOU! From the Philippines, NYC, to Austin Tx and the Bay Area we've been getting hella love. Its hard work, but it feels good to be "doing" something rather than complaining. Anyways, heres a few updates.

1. My crew is on hella networks, go like, poke, RT em, whatever.
Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter

2. Erin Yoshi and Cece Carpio (my sisters in crime) were on KPFA in berkeley. here's that link to LISTEN.

3. The Indiegogo site has been reloaded with photos of Original Art and prints that are being vien as gifts. because most folks like you and i can only afford to give a lil bit at a time. Who do you know who is an art collector who can afford to get one?

4. More words of support from:
Bamuthi (Living Word, LIFE is living, Youth Speaks)

Rosa Gonzalez of Head Rush Crew

Ruben C. Gonzalez (Actor, Director, Playwright)

Aisha Fukushima (MC, educator)

Davin Thompson aka DoDat (The Attik/MC)

Jun 29, 2012

Audio- My visit to Radio Valenica w/ Margarita Azucar

To visit this podcast on Radio Valencia and see the track listing of songs, go here: LINK And to support the project I'm speaking about on the show, go here: LINK So, today i got a chance to head out to la Mision and hang with DJ "Margarita Azucar" at Radio Valenica.

The station is located on Cesar Chavez (Army) in the Mission District and it was hella fun. Ms Azucar was super nice, laid back, and on top of her game. We had a few technical difficulties with music, but the questions she asked and my answers flowed smoothly, despite my annoying cough. So thankful for the invite and I encourage you to listen to her show regularly. last time she had Juan Caipo from Bang Data on.

Original ptgs as gifts (4 days to get em)

These are gonna be hard to give away. But I got an "ok" from both subjects. Reminder to self, "smile" next time! These original paintings were created for the "Celebrate You"show and are being auctioned off to Support the mural project my crew is spearheading with The La Pena Cultural Center in Berkeley.

Why am I selling these? Because it is for a huge public art project(free to public) and the organization hosting it has put in so much work for artists and activists to speak, show, and perform..its ridiculous.So if you or some one you know wants one of them... LINK: To get these paintings 

 A word about the subjects: The little one is my son. And he has inspired me in so many ways id need an essay to explain. But, this is one of my favorite paintings ever, so there. 

The other is of activist Lateefah Simon, a powerful and move making sister from Sf who broke ground for incarcerated young women by starting the Center for Young Womens Development. But her work doesnt end there, i met her while working in Juvenile Justice and she had tons of wisdom to bestow. I have always been inspired by her drive!

Jun 27, 2012

Me shot by Mister Bouncer

This is old photo, but forgot Mister Bouncer had it. He's pretty good with shooting photos, no?!

Jun 26, 2012

Blog features

Was blessed enough to be featured by two blogs. One who I reached out to, the other who reached out to me. Both connections made. Thank you so much to Jules and Avy!

 7 Impossible things before breakfast
Electric Storm 1 and 2

Please go check out their blogs and explore what else they have to offer, which in terms of art and artist appreciation is great! More posts coming soon, been working on a new mural project

Jun 19, 2012

Spoke Card Design

This is one of the gifts offered for the mural campaign. Simple, affordable for any cyclists out there who support the mural. Pass it on.....

Jun 18, 2012

Daddy Thoughts 1: A Fathers Day thought

 To quote brother Qtip "I think i gotta, I think I gotta , I think i gotta SCREAM! Cuz that's how good it feels" Everyday I'm grateful for my Saja (Dancing Lion) and his momma NĂșa Puma.

 I remember I used to laugh when my mom got all mushy about her love for me. But I overstand now and couldn't imagine life w/o my son. It is truly a blessing and a "gift" because I sincerely believe our children "choose" their parents. I'm not religious, but I believe "energy" whether positive or negative, never dies. It only changes form.

To watch life through my son's eyes, to see what they see, to teach, protect them, to be bound to them by need, choice, and sincere love... But most importantly to learn from them is transformative. It changes you. My son was born when I was only a boy, but it changed me. On this day, I should be thanking him and giving him a "child's day card",lol....

 There are times when I'm unsure about how and when i will fight back against society's social ills, then I remember to do whatever I can to raise my son and be a part of his life, and to have him be a part of my life. Together our intentions and jokes and laughter can change the world, starting with our relationship, together.

I think about all the babies who lost their fathers due to death, imprisonment, or worse. I think of all the brothers I know and knew who had a horrible relationship with their fathers if they had a relationship with them at all. I think about all the young men/boys I see starting fights, spitting, talking about shooting somebody or pretending to shoot, putting any and everyone (especially other men) down, cussin' to show just how "hard" they are. When really it would be fresh just to hear a man say "I love you". "I care about you", "I'm proud of you", "you mean the world to me", "I'd do anything for you, anything".

Folks, it will be a revolutionary day when men from all cultures can openly express their love, gratitude, patience, respect, and compassion for one another. Then at the same time, show that love to the women who are our sisters, mothers, lovers, friends, relatives, or to women we don't even know. All this without an engineered and hammered in mental block that says our minds and bodies must live within someone's tiny perameters of what a "man" is.

Brothers, we got a lot of work to do. Part of why shit is so fucked up is because a lack of being raised and bathed in love. A lack of presence and guidance. I could go on, but you get the point. I'm hella not perfect, I'm constantly making mistakes as a man and as a father. I've had a rough relationship with my dad at times, as he did with his dad. But I have him and my stepdad to thank along with so many other men in my family and my life for teaching me to walk with pride and to see the world just a little bit different-although they make mistakes they are still here in my life trying their hardest. And I appreciate that shit, I appreciate them.

Today on fathers day, me, my son, and his mom shared food, desert ( my favorite part!), time, hugs, and the Miami heat vs OKC game. I could do with out basketball, but it is the time I always cherish. Although we have not been "together" for years; me and my son's mom raise our child together through rough and smooth roads.  Shout out to the mothers who carry the work of two parents!

To all the dads out there, lets all try to remember to give our mothers as much love and props as they give us. So much love and respect to the men in my life for your fatherly advice, praise, grace, and persistence to rise no matter how many times society attempts to knock us back down! Happy Father's Day! Enjoy your babies smiles, they will change the world, as they have changed us.

My Dad and my son (4 mo's old)
My stepdad and my son (2 yrs old)
 Me and my boy (at 1st bday party)

Jun 12, 2012

Support for the 2nd Skin is building, join us

Check out the La Pena sites: Fbook, twitter, home

And the Trust Your struggle Sites: Fbook, twitter, tumblr

Support is building...I'll post more things as they come in. If you have some positive words you wanna say about La Pena Cultural Center, please give them or TYS a hollr.
And here is the link to join the 2nd Skin team....love and light!

Also, listen to OG muralist Ray Patlan give his blessing for the new mural on kpfa.

Jun 4, 2012

Jazz Portraits 23- Muhsinah (Multi-instrumentalist)

The first time I heard Muhsinah was through a song she did called "Stay Here" with Exile. To this day I still dont know who did what on the production of that song. But, I love her voice and I love the tracks she makes blending her skills on the guitar, piano, and moog. Some favorites of mine featuring her are How Great, Gogh Again, Only and Always, and Stop & Go. Get all up on her sound yall!

Jun 2, 2012

TYS is 2nd Skin, be a part of the team

Yooo, a lil background for any folks scratching their head, this was part one, part two is on the way family. If you feel so inclined, join the team. Love and light to you.

School visit- Southgate Elementary

Check out these beautiful photos by sister Nicole Martinez. Nicole is an amazing 3rd grade teacher, and I'm mad because I didn't get a picture with her. She fuses pieces of culture with the constraints of the state California school system rules. I met Nicole at a function at the legendary Sol Collective several years ago. I'm still not up on the happenings of Sacramento where she works, but I know there are incredible folks like Nicole working up there.
So, Nicole asked me to come share some stories and I went there to kick it with the kids. We did some talking, some drawing of letters, and some writing. Although i have been teaching for a minute, I'm always learning new things about how to teach "illustrating" and "creative writing". It's hard. I give it up to teachers who work on their students' skills all day, every day. In the collage you can see some of the babies, and the work they did.Check out some other photos from the visit.
Peep the card, so much love! Love the quote " Hi Rob, you are cool" lol.
When a child tells me "you're art is cool" or "how did you get your hair like that (laughs)?", or "thank you Mr. Robert", or even if their eyes widen when I show them an original piece, that makes everything I do worth it.

Dig this? Check out this reading I did with Woodland Elementary in Oakland