Dec 30, 2012

Collage : Positive Words

I started this series for fun and experiment almost a year and a half ago. It's been fun and rewarding. Didn't sell many of these pieces, but I enjoyed making them, and it every one of them felt like a stepping stone in the right direction towards something. Can't say yet what that is, but enjoy this collage of "Positive Wall/Word Affirmations". They are hand made, hand painted, and in some cases hand carved reminders to look on the bright side.....You are worth it! Store

Dec 27, 2012

Childrens Portraits #6 and #7- Malaya and Jules

It was awesome painting these two. They are a beautiful, shy, silly, cute brother and sister team that I've had the pleasure to meet and kick it with. I think Mom and Dad like them, but I'm wondering if they actually like em. Thanks to their momma MeLinh I had the chance to paint them several times, as she hooked some family up with gifts. Its fun painting them more than once because I tried a few new things. Anyway, I dont remember their exact age, but they are of a Filipino, Vietnamese, and European American mix. Check out some process from one of the portraits.
if youre interested in getting a portrait painted, please click HERE.

Dec 22, 2012

Reflections of Healing- Brett Cook

Check out this video explaining a very large and extensive project that one of my mentors Brett Cook (Muralist, Graff writer/ Teacher) has been spear heading for the past 5 years. I was very fortunate to get the chance to help out, along with many other prominent and up & coming Bay Area artists. Take head to the healing...

Dec 17, 2012

Muphoric Sounds 27-Maylee Todd

Just did a quick write up about Maylee on Muphoric Sounds. Now I wanna visit Toronto. Go watch the video....

Inspiration board 14

From Left to Right, Top to bottom: I've been painting and drawing many children from diverse backgrounds. I look for alot of children from many backgrounds. When I saw this girl, i thought "if I had a daughter, she might look like this". Red subway installation-thought this was amazing, cant remember by who though. Arabic calligraphy. Tribe- a Detroit based Jazz Collective/ Zine. Character design. Character design by Carolina Cuenca-love her style. Shinji Kimura again from the Black Tekkon Kinkreet book. Character design. Character design by Didier Conrad. Brigada by Enrique Fernandez. Dope "C" graphic typography. Weldon Irvine-The Sisters LP, really his music in general. The library-my 2nd home. The Hummingbird's Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea. Character design by Pixel Pirate Studio. And lastly, the stop motion animation film Paranorman (set design).

Dec 15, 2012

Fiscal Cliff = Bull#$%&

Piece I did for ART STRIKE's artsy action against Support Art Strike's effort to sepak up instead of remain silent by passing the word.

Dec 12, 2012

Jazzin and Pinched-Animations

Dope animations by Joel Corcia, Wandrille Maunoury, Bung Nguyen, Thomas Reteuna, and Bernard Som

Pinched from David Vandervoort on Vimeo.

David Vandervoort

Dec 11, 2012

Childrens Portrait #5- DeAndre

DeAnre's mom was nice enough to hit me up for a portrait of her boy (Thank you Krea and Tyra!). He looks very young in these pictures, but I'm told that he's a teenager now. His mixture is African and European American. And he loves Brazilian Capoeira, hence the blue, yellow, and green on the first one. Check out the process and let me know what you think. If you're debating getting one done before the holidays, holler at me soon.

Dec 9, 2012

Positive Wall Affirmation- "Dance"

The original reason I chose to do this series is because I wanted to have more positive messages around me. A lot of the words or typography I see daily are using words that are derogatory, shaming, or superficial. I wanted to create artwork that used a word or phrase that people would feel empowered, elevated, or even inspired by, just by walking past it.

This is a hand painted sign I made for fun using some patterns Ive developed doing the light switches and some typography with a positive message/feeling. If you feel it, pass it on, use it in your inspiration board, whatever...Spread positive energy!peace. And dont forget to "dance". If you can walk, you can dance.

 Store Link

Dec 5, 2012

Muphoric Sounds 26-Weldon Irvine

Weldone Irvine (Master Wel)- I Love You Listen here IN THE TRUNK

Dec 3, 2012

This Saturday (Video)

Come through, I'll have switch plates, Positive Wall Affirmations, and more....