Jan 16, 2013

New Moon Magazine

Heres a peek at the cover, interior illustrations, etc from the new issue of "New Moon Magazine". I've seen this magazine on the shelves of my local library many times and I wanted to know what they were about, so I picked it up and thumbed through it. I liked it so i sent the art director my stuff, and there you go.

At first glance, i was glad to see that they cover a variety of subjects for young girls. And the girls they profile or highlight are usually from a diverse background which is important to me. This new issue has some good pieces about kids dealing with divorce, stories, and talking about puberty. Yeah, im not ready for my kid to hit that yet. But, it cant hurt for me to do some homework ahead of time, right?

  Dig this? Check out this illustration for the UTNE Reader


  1. Well done and congrats, it looks great!
    Always a nice feeling getting you work back from print.

  2. Thank you very much Naomi! Yes it is! Soon i'll be getting back something i created all on my own :)
