Jun 25, 2013

Muphoric Sound 32- Moe Koffman

New "In the trunk" piece up on Muphoric Sounds....If youre a Jill Scott fan, you'll recognize this one..

Jun 24, 2013

Clear Your Mind - Positive Affirmation

A new affirmation for the spot (home, office, class, studio)

Jun 23, 2013

Love and light switches - June

New joints, perfect for homes, offices, studios, or class rooms. Chill vibe. These are hand painted, unique, one of a kind pieces. Purchase

Jun 13, 2013

Childrens Portrait 14-Eric

This is probably the eldest of all the kids I've painted as this young man just graduated high school. From what I hear he's 18, likes blue, and looks like a handsome young dude. I put the more graff type handstyles just because he's nearly a grown up, teens usually like that. Just delivered this today.

Muphoric Sounds 31- The Stuyvesants

Just wrote something quick about The Stuyvesants' new Instrumental LP, if you know an MC or Singer that needs beats, they should use these (with credit of course) LINK

A few campaigns worth supporting-Rad Dad, Graff Battle,

Rad Dad, an awesome Zine created BY tomas Moniz that is in its 25th issue! This is an awesome zine that includes creative writing, illustration, and testimony from fathers -unperfect but doing the damn thing. As he states in the video it involves many aspects of fatherhood and many folks who just don’t normally get to share their voice. This is an awesome way to help break the corporate fantasy of what a father is and to forge a new identity for papa’s looking for answers. This Graff Battle has continued tradition and provided a personal and intense glimpse into the process and culture of Graffiti Painting for countless youth in the Bay Area, NYC, Houston, Chicago,and Hawaii.

And a new book by Maya Gonzalez, a phenomenal illustrator and storyteller.

Jun 12, 2013

Culture Strike/ Fathers Day Qs/ Strong Families

Culture Strike interviewed myself and Amaryllis De Jesus (Ammo) about what Fatherhood means to us. Go check it out HERE CultureStrike is a magazine at the forefront of the national arts movement around immigration. and Strong Families: Our vision is that every family have the rights, recognition and resources it needs to thrive. We are engaging hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals in our work to get there. If you want one of these cards, I have 3 left that I'm giving away. Email me and i'll send you one.

Jun 11, 2013

Who is Cja? Designed by Swash Design

These are a few shots of a website designed by my lady who owns and runs the Swash Design Studio in Oakland. The Cja ("Climate Justice Alliance" )web site is for a group of environmental justice activists based in the Bay Area, who have connections and campaigns going on across the US. Environmental justice not only relates to green house gases, the soil, or solar panels. It has to do with people, where they live, and how corporations greatly affect their health. If you've ever sat to take a look at how major cities are laid out, where poor and wealthy live, and where industry is located you get an idea. Check out the shots from the site, the design and the hand written titles. If you need book layout, web, print, or branding design done you should contact Swash.
A few shots of the process as well.

Jun 7, 2013

A Bi-lingual Tagalog-English school

Galing Bata Documentary from Obamos, Evelyn on Vimeo.

Awesomeness. this is at the center where Cece Carpio, Miguel Perez, many other artists painted a mural.

Jun 4, 2013

Childrens Portrait #12 and 13- Tyson and Oscar

This is a surprise fathers day gift from a mom to a father. These two lilttle ones are from my son's school. Very cutre kids. Love the contrast in their expressions. Tyson (left) was mugging way hard so I softened his smile a bit. The boys are a Western European mix as their mom told me and I believe they are 7 and 4. If you're interested in getting a portrait of a child you know gimme a holler.