Oct 27, 2013

Inktober 7-Oddisee

Can't really remember the first song I heard from this dude, probably from Diamond District. I think it was around 09 that I started hearing about them though. Anyways, here are some greats from the homie Oddisee, go support: Along the river, that real, man I used to be. And the latest video.."Own Appeal"

Oct 19, 2013

Muphoric Sounds 36- Mad_Lines

Young MC MADlines got an ep out, listen on Muphoric 

Oct 17, 2013

San Francisco Bay Guardian "Best of the Bay" illustrations

This project is almost unreal in a sense because I have been reading this newspaper in the Bay ever since I was a teenager. Im dating myself here but that was more than 15 years ago. Around that time I started to search for concerts, shows, etc. I mean this newspaper was how you found out about what was happening-no internet! I used to collect issues with articles about graffiti or turntablists so to be featured as an artist is amazing. Not only that, but my work is out now on the most circulated and shared issues of the year, the "Best of the Bay" issue where dance troupes, restaurants, musicians, politicians, activists, taco trucks, book stores, etc get voted the best. For a lot of Bay transplants this is literally one of the ways to get to know the city of SF and the greater Bay Area. So, here we go. One cover and four sections. It all started more than two months ago with this teaser image that was posted on the front page a month ago. The main theme was "sounds of the city" so the art director wanted to have a lot of instruments

Next up, the "Arts and Entertainment" section

Food and Dining


City life

And the cover lawd, I thought "no problem" at first. But the more I drew , the more I struggled with what to do. I know some of you artists get that sometimes right? Im sure a 100 artists could do an ill cover, but hey this is mine and I had fun doing it. Especially after I changed and moved stuff around 10 times!

On the imagery, For this I wanted to show "Children". SF has one of the lower rates of kids due to the super over priced housing, but yo there are still hella kids there. My mother and all my aunts and uncles went from k-12 there. I wanted to show some cats protesting and playing music because i think SF comes from a very diverse array of people who all bring their own flavor. I want to give a shout out to my art director Brooke Robertson for backing up my ideas even if some were way off what she had in mind. And for giving good feedback to improve them. 

READ The SFBG issue ONLINE: You'll get a sense of why this newspaper has been and will continue to throw some rocks here in the Bay. Here's a couple of screen shots, will post real paper when I actually get one.

In Culture Parent- and my blog feature about comics!

Awhile back i was looking for reviews or information about multicultural children's books online when I came across a post about several Asian American children books written by Meera Sriram and thought...Awesome!! I looked around the blog and found a lot of other cool information from a diverse array of people. And so I contacted Stephanie Meade and the rest is history. I've had so many people give me suggestions on which books to read , or which books to show my son to get him reading. These are some of my favorites that we've read together from a few independent creators and larger publishers. Please read my post about them and share them with other parents so we can get them babies reading, comprehending, and understanding!
The books I speak about in the article are 21-Clemente by Wilfred Santiago, Brotherman by Dawud Anyabwile and Guy Sims, Spirirted Away (Manga) by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, and Ciudad by Octavio Rodiguez.

Oct 15, 2013

Inktober 5-Joey

1999 mixtape got me into this young rhymer.

Rethinking Schools 2-Disabled Education

Heres an illustration for the latest issue of Rethinking Schools. This piece was done very quickly with the intent to illustrate the attitude and emotion parents of color and white parents face when advocating for a child with disabilities. In a kind of comic style. Although I'm not familiar with the subject, I enjoyed researching the article's author Ruth Colker. A parent of a disabled child, Ruth not only fought for her son, but brings up some insightful points about how people navigate the system to make sure their child has the best possible education as possible. Seeing that children of color are placed in special ed or diagnosed with add/adhd many times over white children, this women's article can be a valuable resource and so is "Rethinking Schools" (Read the article online). Thanks to my art director/designer Nancy Zucker!

Oct 14, 2013

Jazz Portraits 30- Shirley Scott (Organ)

Wow, cant believe its been so long so I posted a Jazz related piece. Here's a lady Ive been listening to and getting acquainted with. Ms Shirley Scott, a wonderful organ and piano player who was an incredible band leader, band member, and an all around talented musician who I feel does not get enough praise. Some of my favorites by her include "Shirley" (w/ her husband Stanley Turrentine), Carla's dance, 411 West, and Soul Song. There is also a good segment on NPR's piano jazz with her as well. RIP.

Oct 11, 2013

Muphoric Sounds 35-Mongo Santamaria

Go listen HERE "La comida pa' Chango" Por Mongo Santamaria

Oct 7, 2013

One Land, One People Poster-YT

This is a poster illustration I created for Oakland's Youth Together recently to help them guide their students towards the proper resources at Castlemont High School's "One Land One People" center. Having worked in an OLOP center I know that they play a key role in helping kids find social justice, pride, awareness, conflict management, and so many more things. So what better way to put the call out?

Switchplates October

Some new joints for the month of October, new section coming soon to follow. And for folks who want to know a bit more about how I paint these, here are some process photos for any and everyone interested in making their own switch plates for gifts or to sell.
The first thing you will need are acrylic or plastic switch plates. You can purchase these at any hardware store usually. I use these plastic ones and I scratch the surfaces up real good so the paint will adhere well.
The second thing I look for is color and inspiration. I keep several files of photos I take, scraps I find, images, illustrations, textures, whatever that inspires me visually. And I usually base my patterns or designs off of those. 

Next thing you will need are tools. I use various brush sizes to apply paint with large broad strokes or tiny details. The paint brands I use vary, but I generally use acrylic because it dries within minutes. A rule of thumb is to get something that is affordable and long lasting (ie: it wont break in a day or become useless, but won't cost you a month of groceries). Feel free to use whatever you like though, you can use spray paint, oil, acrylic, pastel, glue and collage-whatever. As long as it looks fly to you and the recipient can use it.

Now, when you paint. You want to get a palette to hold the paint while you mix it. It can be a glass plate, old cereal box, or fancy plastic palette. Anything that gets the job done! 
You start painting by adding a base layer, which is a light coat. Let it fully dry. Then you add pattern elements in coates or add color slowly one at a time. I generally mix colors one base at a time and it varies from 3-10 layers of pattern or detail. Make sure you cover all the switch. Let each layer dry before adding a new layer.  When you are done you can add a gel medium matte or gloss to protect the painted layer.
And voila, you have a hand painted gift or unique art piece to sell. 

Oct 1, 2013

Inktober 1

Inspired by artist Jake Parker, I'll be doing a few ink drawings this month to coincide with the Inktober month. Dig it deep.