Nov 13, 2013

Justice for Renisha McBride-Collab with Dignidad Rebelde

Download poster here:

Reposted from Melanie Cervantes: PLEASE SHARE
Seeking help after being in a car accident, Renisha McBride,a 19-year-old young Black woman, knocked on the door of a home in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn Heights last Sunday. Instead of assisting her, the White homeowner Ted Wafe (54 years old) opened the door and shot McBride in the face with a single shotgun blast and killed her. She had knocked on several doors seeking help after the accident. #blacklivesmatter #justice4renisha #blackwomenmatter

My thoughts on this? It's hard to even verbalize how angry it makes me that black folk are being taken away from their families and robbed of life because of a nation's fear and or hatred of Black or Brown women and men. I wont go on, I'll just say that they cant take us away unless we let them. Shout out to Melanie Cervantes of Dignidad Rebelde for letting me get down on this beautifully colored/designed poster. Please share it and print it out if you are protesting. Shout out to Alicia for making the connection and call to artistic arms!

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