Jan 29, 2014

Rad Dad 2-Cover and physical copies!

Yo, just purchased my first copies of Rad Dad's new magazine with my artwork on the cover. I can't tell you what an honor this is to be featured prominently on the cover; but I can say that I'm blessed to be able to help dads connect. Shout out to Kyle Knobel who designed the cover/ magazine and Tomas Moniz, the editor and creator.

 As I've said many times, I believe we dads owe it to ourselves and our children to talk to each other. It's important to share tricks, tips, vent, ideas, support, check each other, and just really raise our kids right while building a community. We cant do this shit in isolation and we all have had experiences which can teach younger or new fathers just by sharing them. So, if you are a dad and you got something to say, holler at me bruh. Seriously! And if you want to get yourself a copy or get one for a father here's how you do that. Go to the site


(My idea for the cover was to paint a young father of color, with his kids cheesin (smiling) with them trying to photo bomb of course. Because thats what your kids do when they see you trying to take a picture, lol. )

Or, you can cop it from the following distrubutors:
Ubiquity Distributors Inc. www.ubiquitymags.com

Small Changes (Northwest US)

OneSource Magazine Dist.

or AK Press

Also, I will be at some of the Bay Area events so come holler at me or just come to listen and bear witness. Celebrating the Rad (Radical) Dad's!

Thursday, Feb 6th
Adobe books
7-9pm 3130 24th St , SF
Readings, mingling, community building

Saturday Feb 8th
Berkeley Farmers Market
Rad Dad family meet and greet with Tomas Moniz, Ariel Gore (Hip Mama) and their families

Saturday Feb 8th
Arlene Francis Center
6th St. Santa Rosa

Check the website for more events in Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland.

Character 67- Elder woman pushing cart

This elder is always walking around my neighborhood, working, walking, and pushing her cart. Just scribbled an impression of her down and did this.

Jan 26, 2014

UR 4 Africa-Nigerian Artist workshops

My good friend Shola Ajayi (Film maker/ Activist) has been busy founding an organization in her home country Nigeria called "UR 4 Africa" which brings International teaching artists to Lagos, Nigeria to share techniques for art and media making; as well as storytelling. Please check it out and share with folks you know in Nigeria, other African countries, and here in the states. And if you know of anyone who would like to become a teaching artist with them or offer funding, please contact them.

The organization is on all social media and they can be reached here http://www.theur4africaproject.org/

Why is this organization important? Because the story of who Nigerians or Africans in general are must be told by Africans. As writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie says it is too easy to get caught up in a "single story" of poverty when thinking of Africans.  There are so many parts of everyday life that I know nothing about, and I would like to learn more. It is important to me to get the real story from real people, not a fake Ngo or a fake charity. Right on Ur4Africa.  I can't wait to hear more stories about Lagos life.

Jan 25, 2014

Inspiration board 17

From Left to right, top to bottom (Inspiring things from the past few months): 1999 Mixtape-Joey BadAss, Some dope vans!, the art of Fabian Mense (France) Radio Ambulante-storytelling/journalism in spanish, The cast of Scandal, Delilah Dirk by Tony Cliff, Boxtrolls-coming stop-mo film, An old school art/political poster, Rad Dad-a zine abt fathers, Huge paper cut art, A cute elder woman, Tangible Dream by Oddisee, A brave young woman protesting for immigration reform, The Obits-cool band, John Brown-childrens book art by John Hendrix, The Dark-another coool childrens book

Jan 24, 2014

Chapter 510 children's illustration

I'm very excited to share with you the creation of several new and some remixing of older characters for a new literacy based organization starting NOW in Oakland called Chapter 510. The organization Chapter 510 are a group of educators, writers, and artists like my self who are working to assist young people and teachers in furthering creative writing and reading! This is BIG. There are already many after school programs which offer tutoring and all Oakland schools offer basic english, but it is exciting to see an organization focus on the literacy aspect since so the ability is so important. And it has been a great honor to work with them in crafting character's that not only reflect kids from the town, but are genuinely fun to do as an artist.

For several months now I have been meeting and working with the team and I hope this is the first of many posts to come about this collaboration, which will no doubt help a lot of kids see through the BS and see a road to their expression through stories, journalism, etc.

 If you are a teacher, a student, or storyteller, they need you. They are looking for volunteers specifically at Met West High school in Oakland. Check out the process of one of these characters and soem of the finished ones. Please visit the website which features more information about what they do and please check out the facebook. To be continued....

Jan 16, 2014

Character 66- Grover the monster magician

Grover is a monster and a magician. Uh huh.

Jan 14, 2014

Character 65- Lady walking by, thinking

Just saw this lady walking by and she was in a bit of a rush. Just drawing from memory, but I think this is what she might've been thinking about.

Here's a collage of characters from that same year: 2013-2014

Jan 6, 2014

Muphoric Sounds 37-Marcos Valle

Ahhh, it's been awhile since I've done an IN THE TRUNK for yall. It is hard to post if you don't hear anything that really moves you. However, I've had tons of random songs from different genre's in my head these past few months and this is one of them. Shout out to Allan Cole (Flwrpt). Read more please... Marcos Valle-“Não Tem Nada Não”

Daddy thoughts 5- New home, past feelings

Recently, my son has expressed feelings about not liking his new home, wanting his parents to reunite, and to leave for what he considers “home” We are adjusting to the new home that houses myself, my child, and my partner. It is not as easy as I thought it would be for him, but it’s not horrible either.  It takes time to adjust.

Moving in with a girlfriend, boyfriend or step-parent is not easy. I remember as a child both of my parents remarried and both of my new step-parents were European American or white. It was not easy at first. We disagreed on things like music. My Dad’s wife did not really dig hip hop too much. I listened to all kinds of shit. Radical rhymes, misogynistic, violent, and peaceful raps. I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t feeling LL’s “big ole butt”. I get it now, but to me, I thought “why is she telling me what to do?”.  We never really resolved the music issue, because she liked Mariah Carey and I detested Mariah (at the time).

And there was a time when I could not get used to my mom’s husband because he just acted so differently. For example, when we went to a restaurant; if he did not approve of the food he simply sent it back or told them “I’m not paying for this” or “I won’t eat this”. Growing up with just mom and dad this was a no no! People might spit in your food, screw it up more, etc. but really, I just had never heard someone speak that way. I was taught to be extremely humble, to be quiet on certain things and food in restaurants was one of them. I thought to myself “who does he think he is?!”.

In retrospect the difference in music taste, I thought was a distaste for Black Music, was not. Just a difference in appreciation, a hint of patriarchy (women’s body parts vs women’s minds), and some miscommunication about what a 10 year old should hear. Not sure what I’d say to my son about “big ole butt” if he wanted to listen to it. And, with my step-father I realized after subtracting white privilege from the equation that I too could speak up for myself or voice my opinion. Humbleness is important, but I can also speak up “with” respect. I probably would just steer clear of restaurants I dislike if the food was bad, but the example could be used in other places. As for my son and my partner, he gives me most of his disagreement or attitude. And for now I prefer that because it is my job to parent him and discipline him. But, I chose to introduce my son to her because she loves children, is comfortable with him, and treats him with respect and love. And, I know he really likes her too, which is a relief.

Still, I remember what it was like to think my parents breaking up was my fault. I was only 7 when my parents divorced, but I remember the last few years were tough. I thought that somehow my existence had broken their bond. I grew to hate making decisions about who I wanted to spend my time with. At Mom’s or Dad’s? Like this or that? Agghhh, I hated it. It made me feel uncomfortable, and it still does now sometimes. But I know that they did the best they could looking back on it. I wonder what I can do to make my son feel loved, comfortable, and heard. He and I are so different emotionally and attitude wise. I was often too scared to speak up to my parents as a kid. I’m glad that he lets me know when he is unhappy or dissatisfied. I just want him to be happy and to know that even if his mother and I live in separate homes, we are still a family.  My solution so far has just been reassurance, lots of talking and getting it out, and dealing with it right there when he brings it up. Any of you experienced this as a kid or as a parent?

Rad Dad 1- Magazine re-launch

Feliz año nuevo to every one. Hey folks, I will be attending this event in San Francisco at Adobe Books (7pm-9pm) on February 6th to help promote and celebrate the release/re-launch of the new Rad Dad Magazine (alongside Hip Mama) which I will be playing a small artistic/dad role in. If you are not familiar with it, here are some basics. 

Rad Dad was founded in 2005 by Tomas Moniz to celebrate great fathers and to connect them. It talks about parents of color, teen fathers, low income dads, sex, relationships, anger, love, drugs, activists, teenagers, little kids, queer fathers, new dads, even some cool moms. Until recently, it was written, copied, printed, and stapled by hand. Now it will be turned into a full fledged magazine. And it is a freaking wonderful place to look when you are a new dad or an experienced one. Because, if things are tough as a parent single or not, who do you go to for advice? How do you release your feelings?

Too many times in the past us brothers have been reluctant to talk to each other. But like many awesome moms, we can create open spaces for talking, venting, expressing feelings, and just plain old relating. There are other fathers out there who may be going through the same experience as you. And it is helpful to know that. It's helpful, not just for your own sanity and mental health, but that of your family's. Rad Dad has published over 20 issues dealing with some of the issues I mentioned above and I read it. I loved it and that is why I contribute so I can learn, grow, and become a better father.

If you are not in the Bay Area , but would like to get a copy of the past zines, or participate in the new ones please contact me at info@robdontstop.com. As a small part of the team, I'm looking for cool dads to talk to so holler if you hear me. Here's to a new year of love, patience, hard work, and persistence. It has only just begun.

Rad Dad has been distributed by Microcosm Publishing and has been sold at zine distros and and small independent stores all across the US from California to New York City. 

A compilation of past issues is available on AmazonAnd if you recall, I posted about the Indiegogo campaign they started last year to relaunch the zine into a magazine.
You can keep up with the site here: http://raddadzine.blogspot.com