Jun 23, 2014

Furqan's First-Mentors

This is a shot of me working on some concept art for Furqan's First Flat Top

Thank you to all the new folks, family, and friends who just donated. Thanks to Healthy Black Men for blogging the campaign. Stay tuned.... I had a goal of reaching 200 backers over the past week and thanks to you I surpassed it. Not only that, we are currently over 80% of the way there. This week I will be doing my best to create a final push for the campaign to reach 275 backers and get it fully funded ahead of time. If you know any book lovers or people with influence in media out there who might be interested in this project, now is the time to share it with them. Send them the link and let them know there are several posts here explaining my journey and how I came to create this book. 
But for now, please read about some of the mentors I've met on my path. 
Heres the kickstarter link: http://bit.ly/FurqansFirst

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