Feb 24, 2015

Portrait for Chapter 510- Sophie Elkin

Heres a portrait I painted of Oakland's Poet Laurete 2014 Sophie Elkin. It is the fifth portrait of an Oakland youth poet that I've created for 510 Journal, a project created for Chapter 510 to exhibit and show young peoples creative writing all over Oakland. If you're in the Bay Area tomorrow, you can listen to her reading some of her work at Pegasus Books (5560 College Ave in Oakland) on Wednesday, February 25 7:30-9pm

Stuff I've been listening to - 5

On repeat, one of the illest protest songs i've heard from hip hop in ages. Download it. Taj D'Angelo Emily King killed this song! Eligh

Feb 10, 2015

Salugpongan International Poster "To Mindinao with Love"

This is a send off for my brother Pele and a benefit for some great work he's been doing out in the Philippines and here in the Bay with a coalition of volunteers in the arts, education, and organizing. The party is to send my boy off with love and to raise funds so come through and get one of these limited editions posters I illustrated for the organization.


Event link on Facebook

Feb 9, 2015

Lowriders in Space- Interview w/ Raul the 3rd

Hey all, here is an interview I did with illustrator Raul the Third for The Latin@s in Kid Lit blog. Go listen to the interview or read the transcription. The interview is about his process for creating the illustrated book "Lowriders in Space", a wonderful book that i recommend to parents and kids.


Feb 2, 2015

Hey all , this month the Black Lives Matter movement has secured a major lighthouse on the internet of information. A megaphone for those looking for information, thoughts, calls to action, demands, and plans to move ahead.
Every day this month (Black History Month) Huff Post will feature a different writer addressing the issues that Black folks (and many poc) are facing across the US. The first piece was about “leadership” and “next steps” written by BLM co-founder Opal Tometi.
Go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/black-future-month/ and follow the discussion. Share it! But mostly, look for some dots to connect and a lane to ride on.
Visuals artists! This is about to be a major cache of material for inspiration to create work that makes it vivid for the folks that wont read the articles, or dont care to. 

Oakland Solidarity mural w/Palestine-Video

My crew got down on this wall along with some very talented artists from Palestine to LA, mentors, graff, and street artists. Check out the video and the work the folks in it are doing. Me and my lady went to the opening of this mural and got to learn more about the struggle Palestinian peoples are dealing with.

My crew reps hard w/ Las Cafeteras

This past weekend the ILL group Las Cafeteras from East Los came up to the Bay (San Francisco/Oakland) to do some shows on their west coast tour. But they didnt just come through and rock an amazing show, they invited community organizers and artists to bless the spaces where they threw down. That mean local giants Mass Bass, Culture Strike, La Pelanga Djs, Causa Justa, Black Lives Matter, and my crew got to dance and come together to  build bridges. Hence the flyer for the Oakland and SF show. It was a great night with high caliber art from visual artists and the musicians. Check out the shots from my crew (Yoshi, Cece, and Bounce of The Trust Your Struggle Collective), my piece is the one of the kids (you know!). Some photos by La Chucha, Mass Bass, and myself.