Dec 7, 2015

Sanjay's Super Team

I cannot wait to see this short. It will be the first time I get to see Sanjay Patel's work like this and it will be one of very few times when I've seen a major film company like DreamWorks or Pixar dedicate the time and promotion to a story featuring a young child of color. I think if you asked most staff they would say they just want to tell a great story, which I wholeheartedly agree with. But, I don't think they fully understand and appreciate just how much nuance, light, darkness, bravery, triumph, humanity is dedicated to white characters / children's stories. That devotion whether intentional or not teaches people about white people. But, children of color whether they are from India, Pakistan, Ghana, Tanzania, Mexico, or Cuba need to see themselves reflected in the same complexity too. And white kids need to see this as well because when you can feel for someone, understand who they are and where they come from, there is less ignorance, racism, fear, xenophobia, and prejudice that translates to laws, procedures, borders, walls, murders, etc. Listen to this interview w/ Sanjay Patel Here is the trailer for his short film "Sanjay's Super Team" which I am more excited about seeing than the film it proceeds.

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