Jan 7, 2016

Multicultural Children's Book Day - Poster Illustration

What: A world wide web event where a big group of people who love books and love diversity not only talk about awesome books, but some will get free books, and some will review the books so you know which one to pick.
When: January 27th
Where: http://multiculturalchildrensbookday.com/ and on the web using the #‎MCCBD2016‬  hashtag
How: Would you like to get a free book for your school library?
Would you as an author, blogger, or publisher like to get involved as a sponsor? There is still time before the official launch. GO HERE 
Who: Valerie Budayr, Mia Wenjen, and a network of bloggers, authors, publishers, and book reviewers
Why: Because #WeNeedDiverseBooks !!!

On January 27th of this month, for the third year in a row, a dedicated group of bloggers, authors, publishers, advocates, librarians, teachers, parents, and artists will unveil a huge resource for anyone looking to get books featuring diverse children and stories. I saw this campaign last year and thought it was awesome the way the "Multicultural Children's Book Day" team are basically volunteering their time to promote awesome stories from many different types of writers and/or illustrators.  It is extremely important to me that more children of all races see themselves and others in the stories they read. Its important on an independent and large scale publishing level. This is why I illustrated this poster for this years event. You'll be able to download it HERE on January 27th. 

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