Jul 21, 2016

Furqan's First Flat Top UPDATE 10- Univision TV interview

I was on UNIVISION 19 (TV Channel) in Sacramento today thx to Univision and the teachers from my son's school. Was nervous as hell, but managed to mumble through it ok. Hopefully just 1 parent who might identify w/ "Furqan's First Flat Top" saw it. For that I would be thankful. Please watch here.
Yo estaba en la canal Univision 19 hoy en Sacramento. Gracias a Univison y las maestras de la escuela de mu hio por este oportunidad. Yo estaba bien nervioso, pero yo puedia hablar...mas o menos. Espero que una mama o papa lo vi y puede identificar con "El Primer corte de Mesita de Furqan". Por eso yo estaria agradecido. Por favor, ver lo aqui.
You can purchase the book at FurqansFirst.com
Tu puedes comprar el libro aqui en FurqansFirst.com

UPDATE: The book is currently sold out, but check out Alejandria Fights Back/La Lucha de Alejandria by Leticia Hernandez-Linares and "Rise Home Stories Project" or We are Yoga/Somos Yoga by Jill Guerra; both of which I illustrated.

Dig this? I was once featured in Mother Magazine as one of 30 Black illustrators of kids books! Además, here's an interview I did with writer/poet Leticia Hernandez-Linares on Latinxs in Kid Lit about our book "La Lucha de Alejandria/ Alejandria Fights Back".

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