Oct 31, 2016

Reading at LitQuake

Its pretty dope to have been a part of Lit Quake. I got a chance to read and talk about what I do in front of many classes of elementary school children in San Francisco. The kids were from all over the city and they were brought to the downtown SF public library to hear some authors show their books and to talk about how they do what they do. It was cool to be on that stage with some authors who were published by major publishers and here I am, the independent up there with them!

 I met Katrina Goldsaito ( The Sound of Silence), Maggie Tokuda-Hall (Also an Octopus), and Isabel Campoy (author or way over 100 books!) Check out some of the photos of kids getting books signed and the authors speaking. Big thanks to Christina Mitra who I had met previously and is an awesome librarian at SFPL. And thanks to Summer Dawn Laurie who coordinated us getting up there to share. For more info visit LitQuake!

Dig this? Check out this discussion I did with Prospect Sierra at Pegasus Books in Berkeley Ca.

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