Feb 28, 2017

Tandem-Black History Month book picks!

This is a photo of my good friend J reading to children at Tandem! J used to be an elementary school teacher and now works for Tandem which seeks to improve the reading level of children of color in the Bay Area, and its working.

So I was asked by Tandem to go through their many many books featuring all kinds of people and pull out some cool ones to share for Black History Month. I chose five books to talk about and this is one of them. Here us an excerpt from the blog post about the books. Please go to TANDEM and read the rest!

"This is just the kind of everyday life book that I love, with beautiful and technically precise illustrations. It follows a little boy and his momma as they walk, stomp, and run through their neighborhood. It is awesome to see the mother and son relationship as the mother loves her son and plays with him. It shows imagination as the boy imagines things on their path. Its not about a historical figure or a painful African American experience, it is about a day in the life and kids need to see that ease, that love, and happiness."

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