Dec 29, 2017

Til Infinity documentary- Souls of Mischief

Til Infinity:The Souls Of Mischief Official Trailer from Til Infinity Doc on Vimeo.
An incredible film if you can find it, watch it! I saw it on Xfinity. Look for it. Hella inspiring as a kid who bought and listened to the Blue tape, and as an Oakland native.

Dec 27, 2017

Children's portrait 46-47 Elijah & Zander


Its been awhile. Here are brothers Elijah and Zander! These are two really cute mixed kids coming from both African American and Latino backgrounds. They are both into sports and Elijah's thing is music, and Zander's is science and math.

If you're interested in getting a portrait painted of your child please check out my store or email me at

Want to see the previous Children's portrait of Sekani? Click HERE

Dec 26, 2017

BBC One Christmas Stop Motion animation

super inspiring work of art by BlinkInk animation studio UK, Snagged this from FloobyNobody.

Dec 24, 2017

Character 135 - Camel Pose

This is the Camel Pose in Yoga, also called Ustrasana

This is part of a short series of poc yoga art created in collaboration with Jill Guerra. To see the fruit of this in a book, check out this NEW Book!!!

This is a post about some of the first awards Jill made with some of my yoga illustrations.

Dec 18, 2017

Character 134- Seated half twist

This is called the seated half twist pose or Ardha Matsyendrasana. 

Character 133 - Tree Pose

This is Tree Pose or Vrksasana, part of a series of illustrations featuring young people and/or children of color. Who knows where its going but yogi Jill Guerra-Burger!

M is for Movement- Bldg power by Janine Macbeth

Yo, this is a recap of the most recent Social Justice Book Fair in Oakland at Chapter 510 featuring a bunch of authors, illustrators, The Alphabet Rockers, Two Mamacitas Pop up kitchen, and DJ XCairocitosX.

Dec 14, 2017

M is for Movement 2017 booklist

I finally got a chance to contribute some book recommendations for kids book in an official blog post kind of way. Please go check out the picture books, comics, and middle grade/ya books myself and many other authors and illustrators recommend. Just about every book has some hint of social justice in it, which is why the "M is for Movement" blog exists.

Dec 7, 2017

Feature with Rachel Meyer (Yogi)

Rachel Meyer is a Yoga teacher and practitioner from South Dakota, Oakland, and now Boston. I took her yoga class several times with my wife Joy in Oakland at a spot called Flying Yoga. One of many classes she taught around the Bay. I went because I wanted to just spend time with my wife (before we were married) and because she said that the instructor (Rachel) was her favorite. Once I took the class I could see why, she gave a good flow and breadth to the class. She gave guidance and instruction, but was not over bearing or annoying. She spoke not only of correct posture and the names of the poses, but of how the practice of moving through them could be applied to other aspects of our lives. Rachel has a great energy about her and from the way she lead those classes you'd think she's been doing it for over a century. 

Check out her website.
To read my interview go HERE

Dec 5, 2017

Character 132 - Warrior 1

Warrior 1 pose or Virabhadrasana I for yogi Jill Guerra