Mar 3, 2020

Freelance Chronicles 6 - Biz Podcasts

This is a short one. Here is one way I do research on improving the business side of my art making. I read books, articles, talk to people, network, all that. But when I'm not doing those, I'm often listening to podcasts about business or entrepreneurs. Here are a few I recommend if you make products for people to purchase. That product could be hiring you personally or purchasing a digital/physical item from you.

Why? Making art is only half the hustle, unfortunately we not only have to sell it, but we have to find out how to authentically reach our audience. Enjoy!

Dirty Old Ladies is run by three women in comics and it talks about tabling at events, conferences, distribution, and other insider news to the business of making comics. I started because of C Spike Trotman who is a Black woman who runs the largest indy comics publisher in Chicago. Listen

Ok, this brother Jay Jones gives some interviews, advice, and resources that are very interesting. Listen.

This podcast is run by Sonja Rasula who started the Unique Markets. This is super helpful because each episode is with a small or medium sized business owner and it involves Sonja giving advice about a specific tactic. Listen!

Etsy Conversations w/ Ijemoa Eleazu is a great business podcast whether you sell on Etsy or not. She interviews a wide range of guests about running a shop-physical and digitial. Listen to the many episodes HERE

Check out of the many episodes with Jeff Staples, this is show where Jeff interviews business owners and individual entrepreneurs about their biz journey. LINK

I love this show because the host Katie Hunt talks with small business owners about book keeping, marketing, social media, selling products, and more. She also runs bootcamps and communities online where folks can learn and share resources. Listen.

There are tons more, but check out these. I actually take notes on these. Sometimes I listen to episodes multiple times or follow up on resources I heard about through them. Good luck!

READ THE PREVIOUS POST:  How to work with me!

Here are some other honorable mentions worth listening to:

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