May 21, 2020

Daddy Thoughts 20 - Other plans

I think there was a saying that if you want to make god laugh, show her/him your plans. I'm probably getting that wrong. But it seems like this entire year has other plans for our plans. Sure some people may just be coasting along like nothing has happened but I think a good majority of the worlds population is adjusting, pivoting, changing, etc.

Take for example my baby girl who is now 20 months old. From the time she was born up until about the age of 1 I stayed home to care for her while Mama worked. Of course I still worked doing what I could at night, in between naps, etc. But she is a fully formed toddler now, asking for things, expressing happiness and discontent. She walks, runs, eats food and spits it out. I thought at the beginning of this year I'm about to make all kinds of new projects in addition to client work, but with childcare closed and our family distancing the time to create and work was cut in half. We're blessed though, making it work. Me and Mama take turns from 8am-5pm. I'm on morning shift, Mama's on afternoon. Trying to work and care for bebe girl has lead to some hilarious moments. Especially since we're potty training. The other day I was answering emails, watching my girl like a hawk for any sign that she might go pee (she had no pants for the first 10 days), all the while making lunch for me and my wife.happened the other day. And as soon as I look away to turn down the stove, season that, she pooped. Haha, right in the middle of the kitchen. So I took a breath, cleaned her, the poop, the floor, my hands, and proceeded to make lunch.

But for my teen, I can't imagine how hard it is. I talk to him regularly and ask him how he's doing. I make sure to check on him and he's in good hands with his Mami. But, leaving the normalcy of the last 12-13 years of seeing other children in school came to a screeching halt. Sure, there's so much that happens nw days over text. I know kids message each other sometimes more than they see one another and that he plays video games and talks to friends via games. But, it is still quite anxiety inducing; this whole culture. I'm lucky he still opens up and shares what makes him happy. We've got a book club going on where we read together. And I try to honestly check out some of the things he shares with me even if I don't understand. And despite all this, he's still doing great on his assigned work. I'm just glad its not his graduating year, or the prom he's missing. I do wish I could encourage him to have his friends over though. Maybe in a few months, I hope.

Me, I'm tired, horny, feeling a bit overwhelmed at times, hungry, contemplative, robotic, and blessed all at the same time. Give thanks that I still have a roof and that there are so many stepping up. Thats it for today.

Here's the last Daddy Thought-Twist and Repeat

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