Oct 27, 2022

Furqan's First -over 3k sold independently!!

Wow, I'm excited to announce that "Furqan's First Flat Top/ El Primer Corte de Mesita de Furqan" has officially sold out of its 2nd print run. That makes over 3000 books sold hand to hand, at events, or sent to folks all over the US and the world. 

Some day I'll do a video about what it took to do this independently without the help of a publisher or marketing team. At the time I decided to do it I was getting little to no love from the industry. I've since learned that this is partially what it means to be a beginning author/illustrator and that there is and was a huge problem with the diversity of kids books!

Here's the post I did about the book release at EastSide Arts Alliance w/ Kati Cepeda and Aya de Leon.  And the trailer for the book got over 5k views! Holy smokes.Never expected it to reach so many people but it has and folks are still learning about it today!

It all started with one or two books. Now I've worked on over 10 children's books as an illustrator and/or author with more on the way. Furqan is temporarily sold out but you can cop the latest book I illustrated for Jill Guerra "We Are Yoga/ Somos Yoga".

And if you missed my kickstarter you can cop my first book of art including 130 pages of sketch book art, character designs, tutorials, and more Art of Rob LINK.

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