Dec 17, 2016

Furqan's First Flat Top UPDATE 18- Latinxs in Kid Lit

Got an awesome book review from the good folks over at Latinxs in Kid Lit. If you haven't seen their site please go and check out the many sections and reviews they have highlighting Latinx authors/illustrators and their books. Check it out eh? Shout out to Sujei!!
Also, yo please check out the Latinxs in Kid Lit 2016 best books, Furqan's First is on the list among some OGs in the business/community. 

Dec 16, 2016

Free shipping til Jan 1st

If you want to cop some art, prints, or Furqan's First please go to this LINK and use the code GREAT55

Dec 9, 2016

Blavity- Afro Tech conference

You should be here if you identify as African American or part of the Black diaspora. Please check out this VIDEO link and stay up with this company, they are doing some innovative things. Don't know about this conference? Follow the link and read up. I didnt make it to the conference this year, but I hope to see you there next year.

Dec 7, 2016

Rad Families

Hey parents and folks who know parents to be the new anthology of Rad Dads, moms, and parents edited by the founder of Rad Dad Tomas Moniz. I'm happy to be a part of this book and to hold space with other parents when talking about the love, struggles, and strife. It features joints I've seen from the Rad Dad magazine and other pieces from zines. You can cop the book here at PM Press.

Here is some more info about the book:

Rad Families: A Celebration honors the messy, the painful, the playful, the beautiful, the myriad ways we create families. This is not an anthology of experts, or how-to articles on perfect parenting; it often doesn’t even try to provide answers. Instead, the writers strive to be honest and vulnerable in sharing their stories and experiences, their failures and their regrets.

Gathering parents and writers from diverse communities, it explores the process of getting pregnant from trans birth to adoption, grapples with issues of racism and police brutality, probes raising feminists and feminist parenting. It plumbs the depths of empty nesting and letting go.
Some contributors are recognizable authors and activists but most are everyday parents working and loving and trying to build a better world one diaper change at a time. It’s a book that reminds us all that we are not alone, that community can help us get through the difficulties, can, in fact, make us better people. It’s a celebration, join us!

Contributors include Jonas Cannon, Ian MacKaye, Burke Stansbury, Danny Goot, Simon Knaphus, Artnoose, Welch Canavan, Daniel Muro LaMere, Jennifer Lewis, Zach Ellis, Alicia Dornadic, Jesse Palmer, Mindi J., Carla Bergman, Tasnim Nathoo, Rachel Galindo, Robert Liu-Trujillo, Dawn Caprice, Shawn Taylor, D.A. Begay, Philana Dollin, Airial Clark, Allison Wolfe, Roger Porter, cubbie rowland-storm, Annakai & Rob Geshlider, Jeremy Adam Smith, Frances Hardinge, Jonathan Shipley, Bronwyn Davies Glover, Amy Abugo Ongiri, Mike Araujo, Craig Elliott, Eleanor Wohlfeiler, Scott Hoshida, Plinio Hernandez, Madison Young, Nathan Torp, Sasha Vodnik, Jessie Susannah, Krista Lee Hanson, Carvell Wallace, Dani Burlison, Brian Whitman, scott winn, Kermit Playfoot, Chris Crass, and Zora Moniz.

Editor: Tomas Moniz • Foreword by Ariel Gore
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 978-1-62963-230-8
Published: 10/01/2016
Format: Paperback
Size: 8x5
Page count: 296
Subjects: Family-Relationships

Dec 5, 2016

Furqan's First Flat Top UPDATE 17 (where you can buy the book OR-TX)

The following stores are spots where you can purchase Furqan's First Flat Top"

Black Wagon- Portland Oregon

Giant Robot- Japantown (LA), California

Mi Vida Boutique- Highland Park (LA), California

A Different Booklist- Toronto, Ontario

Brazos Bookstore- Houston, Texas

Blue Stockings- New York, NY

Hello folks, this is the most recent line up of independent stores who now carry the book. Please support brick and mortar stores!! Go buy it there. If its not in your city, let me know whats the coolest book store in town. If you have a friend there, hook it up. I'll do my best to get the book on their shelves.

This will probably be the last Furqan update for the year. For those unaware, I self published a children's book called "Furqan's First Flat Top" with a team of talented folks and a whole mess of help from supporters on kickstarter. The book came out in May and I have been to many schools and events reading the book, selling it, and talking about it. Occasionally I am meeting new folks who are also interested in creating their own. If any of you have questions for me feel free to ask here in the comments or via email at . More unheard voices from the margins please.

The book trailer in case you want to show it to your local bookstore owner, teacher, organization, etc.

Dec 1, 2016

Dakota Access pipeline-The banks who support it

Looking shit up in btwn work. Over 38 banks have loaned or given over $10 billion dollars to the four partners trying to push the Dakota Access pipeline thru. Amazing that over "188" tribes from South America to Canada have come together (historically) since last Spring to say NO TO the pipeline. Heres a list of the banks that gave the pipeline builders (Dakota Access, Energy Transfer Partners, Sunoco, and Energy Transfer Equity) money. The banks trying to profit from this are in the US, Canada, Japan, Germany, Scotland, UK, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, etc more.…/who's-banking-dakota-acc…
Whats it about? Money, power, white supremacy. Its about protecting water, standing up to empire, class, and racism-for the last millennia. They did reroute this thing to respect the wishes of another community too.
In awe. Respect to the water protectors. Many ways to voice support for water protectors- You can go there (w/ respect), support food, supplies, doctors going there (as so many of have been doing), you can pressure these banks, close accts, MAKE ART, call the white house, the army corps.......just sharing
please follow the hashtag #NODAPL for more info, art, etc.

Nov 30, 2016

My night at the Planetarium-Kids book

A kids book about art and activism from author/illustrator Innosanto Nagara READ the interview here

Nov 15, 2016

Moonlight-Inspiring film

Saw this film a week or so ago and I highly recommend everyone see it. It explores masculinity and sexuality in such a human, subtle, and attentive way it is amazing. While watching it I kept thinking, these are people I've met before or known, but I've never seen them given this much shine, this much light. Please watch it.

Watch the trailer and the talk with the cast/film makers

Nov 10, 2016

Portraits for Mobilize the Immigrant Vote

Here are some portraits I painted for "Mobilize the Immigrant vote". These portraits were commissioned for voting campaigns online and in print to educate people about propositions to vote for or against. The folks in these portraits are working activists and/or parents or kids of activists who not only want to share their experience but want to win more protection, equal rights, and justice for their families and loved ones. And with the current election results you can understand why.

To see the guides themselves or to learn more about MIV, please go to:

Nov 8, 2016

Character Collage (5) 2015-2016

I love drawing realistic and exaggerated characters. Especially people who are not often drawn! I started doing these character collages as a way to practice and challenge myself over 5 years ago.  I've been into drawing characters for ever. Once a month, 10 a year, doesn't really matter, its more about practicing and getting the ideas out. And by doing that, looking back and seeing improvement and growth. Top to bottom, left to right: 1. Toni Stone 2. Duke Kahanamoku 3. Sha Rock 4. Sketch soldier 5. Sho-Nuff 6. Ana Delgado 7. Ameena 8. Flyers ink drawing 9. East Bay Dragons 10. Lauryn Hill 11. Random sketch 12. Haenyo 13. Green Turtle 14. Marley Dias 15. Black hair Ink drawing 16. Ibeyi twins 17. Katara & Toph 

You can see the previous years here too: 2014-2015
If you are interested in more information about any of the characters in particular, just email me at

Oct 31, 2016

Reading at LitQuake

Its pretty dope to have been a part of Lit Quake. I got a chance to read and talk about what I do in front of many classes of elementary school children in San Francisco. The kids were from all over the city and they were brought to the downtown SF public library to hear some authors show their books and to talk about how they do what they do. It was cool to be on that stage with some authors who were published by major publishers and here I am, the independent up there with them!

 I met Katrina Goldsaito ( The Sound of Silence), Maggie Tokuda-Hall (Also an Octopus), and Isabel Campoy (author or way over 100 books!) Check out some of the photos of kids getting books signed and the authors speaking. Big thanks to Christina Mitra who I had met previously and is an awesome librarian at SFPL. And thanks to Summer Dawn Laurie who coordinated us getting up there to share. For more info visit LitQuake!

Dig this? Check out this discussion I did with Prospect Sierra at Pegasus Books in Berkeley Ca.

Oct 27, 2016

Inktober 18 - ESG

Emerald, Sapphire, and Gold is a band of sisters, there was a brother in there too. They are from the Bronx, NY and to stay out of trouble their parents got them musical instruments and encouraged them to play. They released a record in the early 80s which bent genres of funk, rock, techno, and some sounds that couldn't be described as anything but new. I wrote about them for Muphoric Sounds back in 2011 for the "In the trunk" series and the thing I love about them is that they're a family, the are still playing and recording new music, and their style was striped down and to the point. No extra BS on top, just raw music. In some ways discovering them and listening to their sound through samples first, then through the original songs is quintessential New York because it is about dancing and having a good damn time. Shout out to Mister Bouncer who played songs like "Erase you" and "Ufo" for me first.

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Oct 25, 2016

Inktober 17 - Sheila-E

Born and raised in Oakland and one of the best musicians to come out of the Bay, Sheila has recorded many albums as a band leader and as a collaborator with other musicians. She has been performing since she was in elementary school and has toured the world playing music that is influenced by funk, jazz, salsa, country, and hip hop. She is a treasure to the Bay Area and is not only still playing, but is giving back by mentoring younger musicians and giving to music programs in schools. Some of the notable artists she has worked with are George Duke, Herbie Hancock, her dad Pete Escevedo, Marvin Gayem Gloria Estefan, Prince, and Beyonce. She is one of the best drummers in the world and plays multiple instruments. This is one of her playing the "timbales".

Dig this? Check out this one of Dorothy Ashby

Oct 24, 2016

Inktober 16 - The Royal Jesters

The Royal Jesters I found through Madlib. Chicanos have always had soul. Influenced by African American musicians of the 50's and 60's many Latinos (men and women) began to form groups in California and Texas. One of the gems of the 60s is the "Royal Jesters" a band from San Antonio Texas. Some of their hits in english and spanish are "I won't love you", "Wisdom of a fool", "You succeeded" and "Yo Soy Chicano". Check out the reissue of their works on the Numero Group label called "English oldies".

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Oct 23, 2016

Inktober 15 - Indigena

Indigena, meaning a woman who is indigenous to the land. I guess it could be a woman from any where in the world. But I'm referring to women from the Americas, Las Indigenas.

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Oct 21, 2016

Inktober 14 - Raza

EDIT 2020 

New sticker with the phrase "RAZA" which means meany things to different people. Simply put, it means "The People", gente, your folks, your family, and for many people it means a mixture of races/peoples that make up one. People who come from Indigenous, African, and European blood-mixed together through conquest, slavery, and some many other factors. I first heard the term "La Raza" from MC Kid Frost from LA, then from my Chican@ studies teacher Maestra Luna in high school. Often in protests or you'll see the term because this is a group of people who both know their whole identity and have had it erased. Some people call themselves Indigenous, Hispanic, Latino/a, Spanish, or Latinx. Whatever term you use just know the story behind it.

José Vasconcelos came up with this term in 1925 in his piece "La Raza Cosmica". What I wrote below is not actually correct. But I keep it on here because...growth.

Raza. Simply or more complexly meaning "the race". The human race? Not really. More like the race of Latinos, the mixture, pride, love, and history all in one. I don't know the root of the word and where it came from but I remember the first, second and most recent time I heard it. The first was from an MC known as Frost from L.A. (I grew up in Northern Cali-hanging mostly w/ African American kids until jr. high and high school) The second was from a beautiful teacher that I had a crush on in high school named "Ms Luna" who described it with a smile. Mot recently I heard it in the lyrics of Bay Area MC Deuce Eclipse in the song "Que Pasa?" Can you remember the first time you heard this term? I know its more of a west coast thing, but I'd call myself Raza any day over "Spanish". I might have some traces in my blood but I am not Spanish.

Want a sticker of this? LINK

Oct 20, 2016

Inktober 13 - Mestizo

Mestizo is a word that was created to describe the mixture of Native indigenous peoples from the Americas and the caribbean and Europeans. Most of the time this was done through rape figuratively and literally. Some people use the word to mean a mix between black and white, or dark and light skinned Latinos. I just take it to mean "mixed" because Latinxs come from African, Indigenous, and European roots and traditions; some more than others. But its all mixed in there.

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Speaking on a panel-Berkeley Public Library

So as part of a series of panels, I will be speaking alongside artists Liz Mayorga (above art), Avy Jetter, Thi Bui, and Kayan Cheung-Miaw. I had the chance to speak with Kayan who organized the panel a earlier this year and I had the pleasure of meeting several comics artist. I recently started on a graphic novel project and now understand the huge challenge that comes with writing or illustrating a comic or graphic novel. I will be there talking about my work, self publishing, distribution, race, and more.  Come check it out on November 13th from 2-5pm.

Oct 19, 2016

Inktober 12 - Idalys Ortiz

Idalys Ortiz is an Afro Cuban Judo practitioner who has not only competed all over the world, but has either won or placed in over 20 championship matches including the Rio, Beijing, and London Olympics. She was 18 in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and is one of the youngest fighters to win.

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Oct 17, 2016

Projects worth supporting-Comics & Children's Books

EXO is on their third project!!So cool to see this brother continue to make more comics from a Nigerian American perspective
Maya Gonzalez is an OG in the game and was one of the first people I asked advice from over 10 years ago. Her and her partner Matthew have succeeded in not only making books themselves, but nurturing many authors to do the same. This is your underground, bubbling up movement. Please share and support.
So Blood Orange Press is re-launching this project campaign. I did not receive enough funds on kickstarter, but we are confident we can reach the $15k goal here to get one diverse children's book made. If things go well and the project is over funded they can make more. Please support this project here and if you already dontated, please consider re-donating here on Indiegogo.

Inktober 11 - Mariana Pajón

Mariana Pajón is a BMX rider/racer from Colombia. She's 25 and she's a gold medal winning rider who has competed internationally in the US, Brazil, London, and Denmark!

Wanna see more cyclists? Check out Greg Liggins

Oct 14, 2016

Inktober 10 - Carla Esparza ( Mma fighter)

Carla Esparza, Mma fighter. Just dug the pose.

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Inktober 9 - Janel Martinez

I relate to Janel a lot just hearing about the mix of cultures she grew up with and having to "explain" to people who you are w/o constantly getting asked "what are you"? For those that are not up on her work, she is a young Journalist out of the Boogie Down who works in culture, current events, tech, etc. She writes about her culture too making it more possible for other young brothers and sisters too identify with both their African and Latino roots and to be damn proud of it. The difficult part of this is not just explaining it to white people, it's breaking it down for Latinos and for African Americans and getting a better understanding of who "Afro-Latinos" are. Self love first. Check out the work she does with her business and blog "Ain't I Latina?" On the social media platforms and blogs she not only talks about her experiences but highlights those of other Afro-Latinas in the world; past and present. This is dope because it lets everyone know that folks have so many more dimensions and complexity to them. And it allows people to follow many more change makers and successful entrepreneurs. Right on Janel.

Want this original drawing? $60 or Print? $20 (includes shipping)  
Got an idea for an org to donate 30% cost to? Email me

Oct 13, 2016

Inktober 8 - Arturo Schomburg

The way I first heard about Arturo Schomburg was from living in NYC. And I was 26/27 when I first moved to NYC. One of the reasons I think ethnic studies is so important in all schools at all levels is that both white and children of color are getting a fraction of their history. Imagine how many people still don't know about him, the center, or his work. This brother was Afro-Latino. What does that mean? He was born in Puerto Rico, spoke spanish but was Black. Why? Because Africans were stolen from the continent and dragged to work in slavery in the US and caribbean and South America. Arturo was a journalist and a scholar who collected articles, papers, and books about who Blacks and Afro-Latinos are. He collected so much of it that it became the basis for a library in Harlem where countless people have gone to research and go back to find out who we are. One of the reasons why he searched for our history is because a teacher told him that he and his people had no history. And if you look out most forms of media today that depict or retell history-it is like they're saying the same thing. One day we'll see a narrative film about him.

Peep this: Puerto Rico book

Oct 12, 2016

Inktober 7 Rosa Clemente

I appreciate Rosa. I appreciate her commentary because whether its a political, hip hop, or cultural issue and she's speaking...I want to hear what she has to say. She's sharp, on point, and is proud of who she is.  I know being proud to be Black and Latinx confusing some people still, but the fact that she claims both in her identity signifies a tiny part of a much larger changing tide. If you're not familiar with this scholar/activist look her up. She ran for vice president with Cynthia McKinney in 2008 as a Green Party representative. She has written many articles as a journalist and I love that she loves hip hop and will challenge it. Respect for working on police brutality with the Malcolm X Grass Roots Movement as well. 

Peep this: Roberto Clemente