Aug 29, 2017

Ankara Blvd - Inspiring

Check this out, Ankara Blvd is a new Black owned shoe company. Say word!!??

Aug 28, 2017

Character 127 - Bgirl Eddie

Bgirl Eddie started dancing at the age of 3. She is another of the illest young women to break it down for the culture. She and her sister are both members of the UK based Soul Mavericks crew.

Character 126 - Kamala Khan

Kamala Khan aka Ms Marvel is one of a kind. She is part of the reason so many young women of color will see their reflection. She is a superhero who happens to also be Pakistani and Muslim. But beyond those boxes, she's a regular teen with everyday experiences. If you haven't read it or showed it to your kid, check it out! 2022 update, there is now a Ms Marvel tv show on Disney +!

Dig this? Check out this painting of Katara and Toph (Avatar the Last Airbender)

Character 125 - Bgirl Terra

Bgirl Terra, one of the illest Bgirls to do it starting at the age of 2. Check her out. She is one of the UK Soul Mavericks crew with her big sister.

Aug 22, 2017

Elefint - ACLU illustrations

I worked with a cool SF based design company called Elefint. They are the design team leading a project for the northern California ACLU with John Legend called "Meet your DA (District Attorney)". This project aligns well with my values, Elefint's, and the ACLU's because it uses design and illustration to make sense of the justice system and how to fight for young peoples rights. Specifically the rights of young people of color who are the most caught up in it.WATCH THIS VIDEO!

Here is a link to their final design briefs and to the project website

Check out some of the illustrations

Did you like this? Check out this illustration I did for the Ella Baker Center!
Safety Is - America's National Night Out

Aug 17, 2017

Character 124 - Laura (fighter)

This is Lucia. She is an incredible fighter and this is the second time I've drawn her.

Aug 15, 2017

Character 123 - Bambu

Bambu of "The Native Guns" and "The Bar". Too many lines to name, but some of my favorite songs are Like Us, America, Moms, Smoke smarter, Welcome to the party, and Info trip from the most recent album "Prey for the Devil" on Beatrock Music.

Dig this? Check out this portrait of Kiwi or Rocky Rivera

Aug 14, 2017

Character 122 - Cyclops

I love the Xmen since I saw the cartoon as a kid! This is my version of Cyclops as a young woman of color who dances when Professor X is not looking :).

Dig this? Check out this collage of characters from the same year

Aug 13, 2017

Character 121 - Mena

After some convincing, Mena gladly accepted his challenge.

Aug 12, 2017

One of a kind, like me 9- Laurin on 88 Cups of Tea

My good friend and collaborator Laurin Mayeno (author of One of a kind, like me) was on this cool Podcast "88 Cups of Tea". Give it a listen and check out the many authors and book people who've been on the show!

Aug 9, 2017

Erica Eng- Aggregate Watches

So this past month I got a chance to work with filmmaker Erica Eng and if I was you I would hire her. Not only does she have experience shooting, but she is a whiz at producing, editing, and overall project management. I got the chance to drive around the crew on this shoot and help out by acting in a few scenes for this commercial/kickstarter. Bookmark her under filmmakers on the west coast. Follow her on vimeo.  And watch the kickstarter video from Aggregate watches for the new product "Masonic" which is a clean watch made with steel and concrete.

Furqan's First Flat Top UPDATE 21- Latino Dad!

Had a chance to speak with journalist Roberto Santiago this past month about an online magazine he writes for called Latino Dad. We had a great conversation about fatherhood, being mixed kids, and my book. Please check it out and follow them.

Aug 7, 2017

The discovery of Ramen- children's bk kickstarter

Please check out this project, share it, and support it anyway you can. My wife did the typography and design for this book and I'm super excited to see this book get made.

Aug 4, 2017

Sticker sheet 3- For Teacher

Did some stickers for teachers. Hopefully they will be of use to someone. Working on my grammar and typos constantly. To purchase go to my shop.

Did you see the Librarian sticker sheet? HERE

Aug 3, 2017

Dignidad Rebelde on KQED

So fresh to see Melanie & Jesus get some shine. Always repping, please follow Dignidad Rebelde

Aug 2, 2017

Sticker sheet 2- For Librarian

Yo, made a new sticker sheet for my librarians out there whether you are the guardian of your city, state, home, school, or rogue library here are a few stickers for you. If you got some suggestions for more I’d love to hear them. 

Did you see the READ sticker sheet? HERE