Jan 31, 2020

Character 154 - Pack your bag

Getting all your stuff together to pack your bag!

Check out the short story that inspired this - Hike!
And Character 153 - Jet Boil

Pele- Durian Funk Mix

Yoooo, peep this rare cuts mix of Filipino funk straight from the decks of Pele! Share with your funk and mixtape heads! 

Jan 30, 2020

Character 153 - Jet boil

Use a jet boil when making food on the trail!

Here's the last character 152- Roller coaster
Short story 27 - Hike

Jan 29, 2020

Short story 27 - Hike

Here is my next short story:

Its worth it. “It was only two hours” mom said. But it felt like forever. The climb made me feeling like all the oxygen was sucked out of the air. We couldn’t get any wifi and there was no one around us for miles. But it was worth it. “Nature’s cool... I like hikes” my little brother said. And when I saw
how happy it made Mom I agreed. It was worth it. Every picture, every moment. Maybe not the energy bars, but everything else.

Why not check out the last one? Short story 26 - First Protest

Freelance Chronicles 5 - Work with me!

Shaun Burner and Myself -Sacramento 2015 - Photo By Kerri Ann Borja

How can we work together? 
Peace, my name is Rob and I'm a professional artist with over 20 years worth of experience. If you'd like to work with me here are a few different ways to start. Through my years I have worn many hats as a creative person and through working with so many different people there are a few things I've learned to do well. I love brainstorming ideas and executing them. I have a huge love for projects that relate to music, social justice, parenthood, co-parenting, mixed heritage, literacy, and storytelling. And I enjoy working with people who believe in what they're doing and are willing to work for it. You wanna collab? Here's how to start. Don't be shy, holler at me. If I vibe with you and the project it's a GO. If not, I might refer you to someone who I think would be better for it. My email is Info@robdontstop.com

Art vs Artist 2018

Freelance Illustration: 
I have been a freelance illustrator for over 14 years. I am an individual business owner and I create work for and with other people. I work remotely but can meet in person if the project calls for it. I have worked for filmmakers, musicians, news outlets, editorial magazines, foundations, corporations, non profit organizations, and individual business owners. Here are some specific ways my illustrations help these folks.
-Spot Illustrations (Editorial, Scene or Interaction)
-Character Design
-Hand lettering
-Book Illustration
-Licensing (For products)

Visions from The Inside- Culture Strike
Exhibitions and Galleries:
In addition to working in illustration I am also a fine artist working in watercolor, acrylic, aerosol, and mixed media. I have exhibited my work in over 25 art shows nationwide including one solo show in New York. When I connect with a theme I love making new art and working with curators to exhibit that work either as a solo artist or as part of a larger group show. This includes making pieces that are ready to hang and installations that are specific to the location.

Workshop in Ciudad Juarez
Class and library visits:
I have been working in the children's book world for over seven years and I began visiting classrooms around the same time. Before I did kids books I was a teaching artist working with hundreds of students from elementary to college. I have visited schools and libraries to read to children, answer questions about making children's books, and to show some of the process. In addition, I do one day workshops where I engage children in quick exercises about storytelling and art depending on the age group.

Hiero Day 
Arts Vendor: 
Since I started selling my artwork over 15 years ago I have sold original art, prints, handmade items, customizable art, books, zines, clothes, and more at events as a vendor. I currently sell at about 5-10 events every year in my home of the Bay Area and nationally. My focus has been on literacy, children's books, social justice, music, and ethnic studies. In addition to vending at events I also have had a hand in helping to organize them. Invite me to your event to sell or ask me for help on how to promote your event.You can see current merchandise and art for sale here.

Vendors: Want to learn how to improve your merch table? Read THIS

Bay Area Book Festival Panel
Guest speaker:
I enjoy speaking to people in general, but I especially enjoy a conversation when its on a topic that I'm passionate about. I have spoken at panel discussions, fundraisers, gallery shows, on tv, and on podcasts. I have a great time talking to young people and the general public about the arts and other things. I'm open to speaking in classrooms, podcasts, at events, or to the media. I mentioned some of the topics near and dear to my heart above.

Planning w/ Janine Macbeth and Laurin Mayeno
Children's book consulting:
Since I began my study of children's literature in 2007 and officially began working in the business in 2013 I have gathered a good amount of knowledge; especially related to self publishing. I have attended conferences, read books, networked with creators, made books, helped organize events, asked a lot of questions, and helped a lot of people on the journey. If your are an illustrator or author beginning a journey in kid lit I can consult you on my experience and point you to resources that may be helpful to your story.

Painting at Chapter 510
I have the pleasure of being one of the members of the Trust Your Struggle Collective, a group of activists and artists who have created gallery installations, workshops, large scale murals, and mural tours for over 17 years. In that time I have had a hand in over 25 murals. I have worked with schools, organizations, businesses, and cities. If there is a mural project you need an artist for feel free to reach out.

My Solo Show at Fresthetic in Brooklyn, NY


Alright, you get it now. If you were thinking about collaborating now you know a few ways we can work together. If you got any questions please holler at me at info@robdontstop.com. You can also refer people to a shorter version of this post on my website. LINK

Read my last post about freelance life: Vendor tables

Inspiring Artist - Syd Mead

Much respect and rest in peace to the great artist Syd Mead. If you don't know his work by name you've probably seen it in films before. Just wanted to share some of his amazing work. Props!

Have you seen the work of Mode 2? Check out this post.

Jan 28, 2020

Character 152 - Roller coaster

On a roller coaster!!!

Did you see the last character? Here it is Band Saw

Jan 25, 2020

Black Joy Parade 2020- Vendor!

Yo, what up. So this is the third annual Black Joy Parade. I missed the first one bit heard it was dope. I went last year to check it out and was amazed to see Black folks from so many places and walks of life. I'm talking about the righteous, the hood, the bougie, the spiritual, the creative, and so many more. 

What is it? It is a huge parade showing happiness and a day of performance, food, and vendors. Case in point, I will be a vendor there this year for the first time (Books, prints, artwork, and more). Come holler at me or tell your folks I'll be there. See you soon. Peep this video from last year by Town futurist!

Read my past newsletters and sign up!

Reading at Hiero Day in Oakland
I've written a newsletter once a month for the past year and a half. Its great to share short updates about my work through email. And it's perfect for folks who are off social media. You can sign up for it and see previous newsletters here: LINK

Jan 14, 2020

Bookmark 8- Smile

Just printed this new bookmark. Its my 8th bookmark and the 3rd in a new series of them. If you'd like to get one or several GO HERE

Jan 12, 2020

Podcasts/Articles - Housing crisis/ discrimination

I keep getting angrier every time someone shares or posts another piece of this puzzle. Please read this Dope article by Pendarvis Harshaw about Oakland's "Moms 4 Housing", MLK, and housing. Then

Great show that hits home for me since I was born in Oakland and grew up in Berkeley and Oakland. Heres a link to East Bay Yesterday's site w/ more info and photos from this episode.

Another great show which Detroits city tactics which robbed Black families of their homes and wealth. Heres a link to Reveal's website.

I love this one because Maria keeps it real! WTF!!!!

This is super timely in SF, Oakland, and the whole bay! Reveal episode

Some historical background and humor about the history of housing discrimination in the US by the good folks at Codeswitch. Here's a link to their website.

Jan 9, 2020

Character 151 - Band saw

Jeanie and Judy. The things you could make with a good bandsaw.

Did you see the last few characters?

Jan 7, 2020

Short story 26 - First Protest

Saturday morning. Uncle George told us we were wasting our time. "Hardly anyone shows up at them demonstrations!" he said. But I know hella people are gonna show out today. Jeanie never been to a protest before so Judy, my sister, and I are taking her. And we're gonna enjoy ourselves while doing it. Today might not change politicians minds but I hope Jeanie will see that she isn't the only one who don't support another foolish war. I can see the folks gathering up the street now.

Funny I was already planning to draw this short story. But being that the idiot POTUS is trying to declare war on a country that the US government has had its claws in for over half a century its fitting to post it now. Stay woke folks. History repeats itself and we've seen this show before.

Here's the last short story: Haenyeo

Some more close ups....

Jan 6, 2020

Inspiration board 34

Here goes the newest Inspiration board, from left to right and top to bottom:
1. Legions of Boom-Book about Filipino Sound systems by Oliver Wang 2. Photography by Tundae Mena 3. Hoods To Woods Foundation by Brian Papaw (Snow boarding) 4. Illustration of Sam Bosma 5. Jedi Fallen Order-Played this game w/ my son 6. Uncle Jamm's Army-Pioneering LA Sound system 7. Jack & Agyu-Trilingual Filipina Amer picture book 8. Patta- Amsterdam based clothing store /brand 9. Vox Media-Great investigative journalism 10. The Repair Shop-Netflix Show 11. Alex Mali-Brooklyn Songstress 12. Ayentee-New songs every monday 13. Illustration of Brian Biggs 14. Modular/Prefab homes 15. Sesame Street-celebrating 50 years! 16. Business of Hype Podcast w/ Jeff Staple.

Would you like to see the previous Inspiration board? Heres the LINK
Stay inspired!

What's this? This inspiration board is one of the ways I stay inspired and sane through all of life's trials, and tribulations, work, etc. I've been making inspiration boards full of films, books, music, events, people, artists, movements, and more for over a decade. Do you have an inspiration board? Please share in the comments.
Who am I? My name is Rob and I'm an artist working in kid lit, public art, and other disciplines. Go to my website, or follow me on IG or YouTube.

You can purchase my book "Art of Rob" here

Jan 3, 2020

Daddy Thoughts 19- Twist and repeat

Happy New year to all you reading this and all my parents or caregivers of little ones. I regularly write 2-3 posts a year on parenting, fatherhood, co-parenting, mistakes, or triumphs. But last year was a blur of raising baby raising. My daughter is now over a year old and in childcare so I have a bit more time to get back to work. So here are a couple of observations going through the baby stages again.

Twist and bend!
I forgot how much you have to twist, turn, and bend to care for little people. Sometimes that is because they cannot move on their own and need your help to get that bottle, nipple, snack, or to burp. I started to remember that certain parts or sides of my body got a lot of use to hold my daughter and my son. When my son was born I actually started stretching regularly because my back got sore from picking him up or holding him. I'm better at it now, but I still feel it now with the new baby.

The other side of twisting and bending is the manipulation of your own body to catch them so they don't fall. It's the twist to get their shoes on or their diapers off. It's also the movement and turning to feed them. It's really funny to see them squirm and turn away when begin to do it. Then, its like bending and twisting to get them to eat. Some. Thing! How many of you are going through this or remember what it was like? I hope you and your body get some rest this year! If anything this teaches us to be flexible, no?

Repeat because kid is tuned out, eat chips for dinner, don't notice me, littlest effort as possible
Ok with my teen there are a different set of challenges and I would wager to say that this ranges from kid to kid and in no way represents teens. What's up with mine? He is excelling in school and shared a moment that made me proud. I'll come back to that.

Repeat, force,
Lately the challenge has been repeating myself and getting him to listen. I think this is a really tough time because with my teen he's big! But he's still a kid so I have to remind him to do things like be quiet so his sister can nap, close the bathroom door so she doesn't throw stuff into the toilet, etc. Beyond that its the normal stuff like washing dishes, greeting people, and the almighty screens. I have relaxed my rules on screens but I still feel like they still need guidance. It is so easy to spend an entire day staring at one as we as adults know this. It's also easy to forget about real life friends, nature, going to events, and socializing. And I feel like I have to keep trying to reinforce this. Even if it means I am not his favorite person because I made him go outside.

What else? I'm noticing just how much responsibility and pressure is placed on girls and young women versus the freedom to chill and just play that boys have. This is a broad generalization but I see things my mom or family let me do like waiting to make plans, not cooking, or not planning. Planning is such a big one. So, while I don't want to force him to do too much before he's ready I am encouraging him to make plans ahead of time and trying to teach him to cook because he'd eat an entire bag of chips for dinner if I let him.

One things for sure, big brother loves little sister and she is fascinated by him.

That's it. What parenting things are happening for you? Fails and triumphs welcome.
Daddy thoughts 18- Reset button 

Jan 1, 2020

Stuff I've been listening to-14

This is my favorite jam on this new Kaytranada LP Bubba!

My wife introduced me to a Lisa Shaw song and she led me to this collab with House producer Miguel Migs

Absolutely fell in love with this joint off the Ventura LP by Anderson Paak, produced by Pharell

Love this entire EP and her new single-just beautiful soulful and I found her through Colors!

Came across this track after reading about Brazilian Funk Music on Afro Punk and this bangs. If you're triggered by men wearing "women's clothing" listen to the song rather than watching the video.

Another slapper from DJ Rennan

Been enjoying listening to Cami Layé Okún's selection of Cuban music!

Going back to 83 with this funky classic.

Enjoying what you hear? Why not listen to the last one..
Stuff I've been listening to 13

Photo: New Profile pic!

Happy new year! Check it out! New profile photo taken by the wonderful Kristen Murakoshi. She's a local Bay Area based photographer who specializes in portraits, family shoots, events, and weddings. She's currently offering a special deal for couples. See more HERE!