The young homie Gente honored me with the opportunity to do something in his book. Look out for this youngster.Hes taken a big responsibility with his name and will need support to carry out his work.Much respect Gente!
Peace yawl, this is a monumental movement in progression and follow through. Almost two and a half years ago I started to hear my very good friend and co-worker O.M. Ajayi mention a film she was working on. I was so inspired by it that I did a drawing about all of the different hair styles I have gone through.It was something I knew right away that many Black people or people with kinky/curly/nappy hair could relate to. Over the course of the past time, my homie has been editing, re-editing, and cutting, to make this film come to life and she just had her first public showing of it, so now I can show you! Another special collaboration is coming from us very soon as well. Enjoy.In the film you will see some of the illustrations I did as well as some hand lettering.I am truly blessed to have worked with such a talented up and coming film maker.Look out for her yawl....
Peace yawl, I was asked by the good folk over at the BBC blog to contribute to a magazine about Black Artists and Activists by interview.Sponsored by The Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College(SUNY).What an honor!!!!The great poet and homie Tamara Davidson was also featured in this mag along side so many other dope artists. Please check it out and let other folks (especially young people) know what you think. Small steps make staircases, hopefully yesterday, today, and tomorrow this art will make a positive impact in some ones life. It definitely has in mine. Props to Issa, Joi M. Sears, Tamara Davidson, Emory Douglas, Octavia Butler, Nelson Stevens, Lois Malou Jones.Speak from the heart.
Please vote for some talented homies and very good friends, GAME Rebellion! And do check out their video, "Blind"! The rebels are coming! stay tuned to see the artwork me and my crew are doing with the crew! Very proud of these dudes' work.If u ever get to see theyre show, u will see the most beautiful sistahs you've ever seen in yo' life moshing, kicking, and rockin.Werd.
I was given the high honor of drawing something in a students sketchbook yesterday. I have been teaching for many years and after taking a break for a while, I remembered how much I enjoyed being around the youth. Usually, I agree with their disdain for school's unhealthy environment, but besides that I always learn more than I teach. This young writer stepped to me and asked me to bust something so heres nothing....
Its been awhile since I laid a bit of my inspiration on you. So many artists, musicians, beautiful things, ugly things, and my little one that inspire me. Here you see a foto of Nneka, Anita Tijoux, Alex varanese's art, natures path cereal, dimlite, jdavey, new montana cans, a foto from harriets alter ego's sewing class(nyc), the A train, ac transit, logo by roger oddone, quadron, leonardo rodriguez's art, and a random foto from flygirl type pad!Whew, So much I see, so much I would like to show you, play for you.It touches me deeply....
Peace yawl, workin on a logo for Think beat Radio. Heres a sneak peek at the process. I forgot how to use illustrator, so im getting reacquainted again. Letters are fun! Coincidentally, if youre looking for a logo holler. -Rob
Heres a teaser for you : Go to the site to check out the full thing, im going to post some fotos of the process later this week, son as the La Pena mural is done.
Peace, my name is Robert Liu-Trujillo. I write and illustrate stories. I design characters, and I paint murals occasionally too. Parenthood, Ethnic Studies, Storytelling, Music, Social Justice, Film, Science Fiction, Design, & Publishing are regular thoughts. To contact me for commissioned art, freelance, or collaboration. Email me: