This my friends is a truly GREAT honor! I don't think the editors of the Lowrider Arte magazine could have pictured me jumping up and down with excitement when I found out that I was a featured artist last (December/January). There are lots of prestigious illustration magazines and competitions (especially now days). But lets face it. I'm still a big kid and I started reading Lowrider Arte in 1990, I've wanted to be a featured artist in it since then. 21 years later dreams do come true. A very small success to some, but a huge smile for me. This is one of the first places I saw a positive reflection of brown artists creating. The original painting is of my son, my Dancing Lion.
Thank you Gloria, im very proud of this one!!!!Means alot coming from you!
congrats, brother.
Thank you kind sir, just tryina let them ancestors know "im working"!
Yay! You got a copy, I was going to steal the one from the shop and mail it to you, but I got caught red handed...Felicidades Robert!
very proud of you man!!
Ya tu sabes, I was gonna bother their office erryday til I found one! Thanks so much 4 thinking of me and letting me know u seent it. Luv+Light Amelia!
Thank you Taishi, means a whole lot to hear that from you! Wouldnta been able 2 paint him if it wasn't 4 u Mami Duchicela!
Congratulations, Mr. Trujillo! It looks beautiful in there and I can't wait to pick up a copy.
Thanks Mensen!! Yes, check it out if u can. They're kinda hard to find though. U can order em at www.simbackissues.com
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